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Pupil Membership Statistics - Definitions
Understanding Pupil Membership
For more information on policy, practice and data collection, please visit the sites below.
Student Data Privacy Guidelines for Pupil Membership Data
Data privacy guidelines are applied to publicly reported district and school level attendance data to maintain student data privacy. The methods for student data privacy include focused N size suppression and overall total count suppression. While complicated, these methods ensure student data is protected while providing transparent information regarding attendance data as much as possible. Detailed information regarding the data privacy guidelines applied to published data can be requested from the contact at the bottom of the website.
Membership is defined as enrollment and attendance for a student. Students must be enrolled by count date (typically October 1st) or an alternate count date if used. Students must establish attendance prior to count day during the current school year and resume attendance within 30 days following the count day. Students that are counted in membership are indicated with Pupil Attendance Information codes 01-08 to prevent duplicate counts from occurring. Note: Some datasets separate detention center students in a separate category.
Home Based Education:
There are two types of home school students: home school students that receive some educational services from a district and home school students that receive no educational services from a district. Home school students participating in district run enrichment programs are tracked, as is any funding associated with their enrollment in an enrichment program. If a home school student is receiving part-time services from multiple districts, the student may only be submitted for a maximum of part-time funding by one district. The other type of home school student is 100% home school. Families will send a form into the district notifying them of the family’s intent to home school. This district reported data is a count of the number of students within a district who are 100% home schooled and not receiving and district lead enrichment by grade level. There is no funding tied to this second group of home school students.
Instructional Program/Service Type (IPST):
Services provided by schools and/or districts for students identified as belonging to one or more of the categories below at any point during that school year:
- Students with Disabilities: Students who have been formally identified as having physical or health conditions that may have a significant impact on the student’s ability to learn and therefore warrant placing the student on an Individual Educational Program (IEP).
- English Learners: Students who have been identified as Non-English Proficient (NEP), Limited English Proficient (LEP), or Fluent English Proficient Monitor Years 1 and 2 (FEP Monitor 1, FEP Monitor 2). Non-English Proficient is defined as a student who speaks a language other than English and does not comprehend, speak, read, or write English. Limited English Proficient is defined as a student who comprehends, speaks, reads, or writes some English, but whose predominant comprehension or speech is in a language other than English. Fluent English Proficient students in year 1 or 2 of monitor status are students who have spoken, or currently speak, a language other than English, but who can comprehend, speak, read, and write English comparable to their monolingual English-speaking peers. Districts must provide language services to all English Learners.
- Economically Disadvantaged (Free/Reduced Lunch): Student qualifies for either the free or reduced lunch program.
- Migrant: Students enrolled in a specially designed program for children who are, or whose parent or spouse is a migratory agricultural worker, and who, in the preceding 36 months, in order to obtain, or accompany such parent or spouse in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural work has moved from one school district to another.
- Title 1: Students in schools receiving grants under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) who are beneficiaries of educational resources paid with those Title I funds. For schools that operate schoolwide (SW) Title I programs, all students are considered Title I and are eligible for support and services. For schools that operate targeted assistance (TA) Title I programs, only students identified as at risk of failing to meet Colorado’s academic achievement standards who receive supports and services paid with Title I funds are considered Title I students. School Title I designation and grant formulas are based on the numbers of students eligible for free or reduced cost meals (FRM).
- Homeless: According to the McKinney Act, a “homeless individual” lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
- Gifted and Talented: Students who have been formally identified, using district wide procedures aligned with CDE guidelines, as being endowed with a high degree of exceptionality or potential in mental ability, academics, creativity, or talents (visual, performing, musical arts, or leadership.
- Online: Students who have been identified as online students are enrolled in an online school or program. These students are indicated with a Public School Finance Funding Status of 91 Full-Time Online (Single District), 92 Full-Time Online (Multi-District), 94 Part-Time Online (Single District), 95 Part-Time Online (Multi-District) or 96 Not Eligible, Online (Single or Multi-District).
- Immigrant: Students are an immigrant if their age is 3 through 21, were not born in any state and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than 3 full academic years.
- Section 504: Students identified as having a disability under regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 but may or may not be eligible for special education placement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
For additional information, email Brooke Wenzel,
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