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Suspension/Expulsion Statistics

2023-2024 Suspension/Expulsion Statistics

The Student Discipline snapshot contains information about students disciplined based on the behavior, and the discipline action taken during the reported school year. The snapshot pulls data from the Discipline Action, Student Demographic and Student School Association Interchange files.

In previous years districts submitted total incident counts at the school level in three separate files: Discipline by Action, Discipline by Student Demographics, and Firearm Discipline. In 2023-2024, as part of the implementation of House Bill 22-1376, data is now reported at the student level and in one file. The student level data collection will improve accuracy and enable additional analysis as it will have the behaviors and the discipline actions taken for each incident, in addition to the student demographic information for each.

Behavior Data

Discipline Data

Behavior Incident and Discipline Action Data

For additional information, E-Mail: Dawna Gudka

For data requests, please see CDE’s Data Request page.