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January 2023 CDE Update
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email
Accountability, Performance & Support
- The State Board of Education finalized 2022 Transitional Accountability Ratings on Dec. 11.
- Visit the State Accountability Data Tools and Reports webpage to access updated data visualizations. Share school and district ratings with families on SchoolView.
- The Legislative Audit Committee approved the release of the K-12 Education Accountability Systems Evaluation Report on Dec. 12. The report is available on the Office of the State Auditor’s website.
- Districts with schools interested in applying for Alternative Education Campus designation for the first time or after a lapse in AEC status must email B Sanders at to apply by Tuesday, Jan. 31.
For more information on accountability contact Rhonda Haniford, associate commissioner,
- Districts can update and make changes to student registrations for CMAS math, English language arts and science and CoAlt science assessments in PearsonAccessnext until Friday, Jan. 27.
- Initial material orders for paper tests, accommodations and test administrator manuals for districts and schools will automatically be created based on student registrations in PearsonAccessnext on Friday, Jan. 27. Orders for accommodations requiring special materials for Colorado Spanish Language Arts and oral scripts should be indicated in PearsonAccessnext by Friday, Jan. 27.
- For more information on state assessments, contact Christina Wirth-Hawkins, chief assessment officer,, or visit the CDE Assessments webpage.
Federal Programs & Support
- Federal Program and Fiscal Monitoring Self-Assessments are available for LEAs being monitored in 2022-23. Refer to the information and due date listed in the email notification that was sent to LEAs on Nov. 18, from Kim Boylan. Self-Assessments and working copies are available on the Federal Programs Monitoring webpage.
- The Federal Programs and Supports Unit will hold winter Regional Network Meetings to support LEAs in preparing to submit their 2023-24 Consolidated Application. Details will be posted on the Regional Network Meeting webpage, along with recordings from past meetings.
District Operations
Data Pipeline
- Administrative Units and Districts must have error free Special Education IEP and Staff interchange files uploaded by Thursday, Jan. 26. The first report review week starts Thursday, Jan. 26 and finishes Friday, Feb. 3, at which time the duplicates phase of the collection begins.
- Staff interchange files must be error-free, and the Human Resources snapshot should be created by Friday, Jan. 13.
- The Educator Shortage Survey is open. More information is available on the Data Pipeline Snapshots - Human Resources webpage.
- The teacher student data link interchange file for the 2022-23 school year is open. All districts are required to report TSDL data for students in grades six through 12 only. Additionally, all courses are required to be reported for grades eight through 12 migrant students. The TSDL snapshot will open Wednesday, Feb. 1.
For more information on Data Pipeline, contact Annette Severson, manager of data services, at or view The Data Pipeline webpage.
Nutrition & Health
- Support for Community PCR COVID-19 Testing Sites will discontinue after Sunday, Jan. 15. CDPHE’s free school testing programs will continue through at least the end of the 2022-23 school year.
Postsecondary Readiness
- The application for the Financial Aid and FAFSA/CASFA grant has been reopened through March 15. Funds can be used to develop and distribute financial aid information, train educators, host financial aid and FAFSA/CASFA completion events, and update the Individual Career and Academic Planning process.
Teaching and Learning
- The Early Literacy and School Readiness Office READ Act Team will conduct reviews of professional development that meets the evidence-based training requirements of SB22-004. The READ Act professional development advisory list review process opens Tuesday, Jan. 17.
For more information about the professional development review process contact Tammy Yetter at
Standards and Instruction
CDE’s High-Impact Tutoring Program Grant will launch the next round of funding in January 2023. An application information webinar will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 1. The Intent to Apply forms are open until Friday, Feb. 15, and applications are due Wednesday, March 1.
For more information and application instructions email
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