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CDIP Approved Programs: Selection Criteria and Review Process
The Career Development Incentive Program (CDIP) list is updated and published annually by the Colorado Workforce Development Council and its business and industry partners to ensure content is demand driven. During this time, both existing programs and district requested credentials are reviewed for inclusion in the approved programs list for the following school year.
1. District Submission
- Submissions due August 30
- Credentials must be submitted by a district representative through the CDIP website.
- Districts must also submit one letter from their local workforce board that verifies the demand and usage of the certification in the field.
2. Data Review
- Occurs annually in September
- Criteria:
- Is the credential attainable for a student in grades 9-12?
- Does the program meet the rigor requirement?
- Does the credential align to a Top Job?
- Is the credential in demand in Colorado?
- Which credentials are the current Top 10?
3. Industry Validation
- Occurs annually in September/October
- Criteria:
- Is the credential recognized by business/industry in Colorado?
- Are there valuable credentials missing from the list?
- Reviewed with:
- Statewide industry associations
- Sector partnerships
- CTE advisories
- Rural Workforce Consortium
- Workforce boards
4. Publish
- Occurs annually in December
- The approved programs list for the following school year is published in the annual Talent Pipeline Report.
What is a Top Job?
Top Jobs in Colorado meet three criteria:
- High annual openings
- Above average growth
- A good wage
View Colorado Top Jobs as published in the annual Talent Pipeline Report.
What is a Top 10 Credential?
The CDIP list annually highlights the current Top 10 credentials, which meet all other CDIP criteria and:
- Are highest in demand and lowest in supply across industry sectors
- Align to a program of study and concurrent enrollment opportunity through Colorado CTE
Top 10 credentials are weighted equally to the full list for reimbursement purposes.
What is involved in the industry review process?
- Each credential is reviewed by the appropriate industry to ensure it is in demand and aligned with an employment opportunity. To evaluate this criteria, partners consider the credential’s hiring value and utilization in the industry.
- Industry partners also evaluate whether there are valuable credentials missing from the list that should be added.
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