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Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)

Banner text: afterschool snack program ASP, photo of yogurt & fruit

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) offers reimbursement to help schools serve snacks to children after their regular school day ends. Afterschool snacks give children a nutritional boost and draw them into supervised activities that are safe, fun and filled with learning opportunities.

The intent of ASP is to assist schools that operate organized education and enrichment programs know to help reduce or prevent children's involvement in juvenile crime or other high risk behavior, by providing snacks. Eligible programs serving snacks to children that meet USDA requirements may be claimed for reimbursement.

Program Overview

Afterschool snack programs and schools operating longer than the traditional school day may be eligible for snack reimbursement. School districts must participate in the National School Lunch Program and the afterschool program must provide regularly scheduled educational/enrichment activities and be open to all children. 

Meal Pattern

Snacks must contain a complete serving of any two of the following components: 

  • Milk
  • Vegetable or Fruit
  • Grains
  • Meat/Meat Alternate


Schools may apply to operate ASP within the Colorado Nutrition Portal at any time throughout the school year. Application instructions are available. 


There are two eligibility options for operating ASP: under area eligibility or non-area eligibility. 

  • Area-Eligible: the school or a school in the attendance area had 50% or more enrolled students approved for free or reduced-price meals. Snacks are served at no charge to all children and reimbursed at the free rate. 
  • Non-Area Eligible: the school has less than 50% of the enrolled students approved for free or reduced-price meals. Snacks must be counted and claimed based upon the child's approved eligibility of free, reduced, or paid. Snacks are reimbursed at the free, reduced, and paid rate. Snack priced for full paid children must be approved by CDE School Nutrition and the maximum reduced-price charge is $0.15.

How to Apply



Schools may apply to operate ASP at any time throughout the school year. 


How to Claim

Use the following guidance documents to submit your claim.

Claim Deadlines

Reimbursement claims are due 60 days after the end of each month.

Cup of yogurt with blueberries

Program Requirements


Sponsors must review ASP two times per school year. Once within the first 4 weeks of operation and once anytime during operation prior to the end of the school year.

Menu Planning


ASP Extended Day

Schools that operate longer than the traditional school day (i.e. schools operating a 4-day school week) may qualify to serve ASP during the school day to all enrolled students at the site. ASP adds nutritional benefits with limited administrative and labor resources by providing the benefit during the school day. 

Colorado Extended Day Criteria: 

  • Grades PreK-5: school day greater than or equal to 7 hours
  • Grades 6-12: school day greater than or equal to 7.5 hours

All schools operating ASP Extended Day must follow all ASP requirements including: site must participate in NSLP, maintain proper records including production records and snack counts, conduct two program reviews (the first of which must occur within the first four weeks of operation), ensure proper claiming of all reimbursable snack, and ensure food safety throughout the program. 

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