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Communications, Messaging, and Marketing

Consider these strategies

 As you develop and refine your ICAP practice, collaborate with students, families and your community. Join with them to emPWR students for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness.  And consider sharing discoveries, marketing strategies and lessons learned with others.


Logos and images:


The ICAP logo was developed by a student in 2014 as part of a design class.



An ICAP Facilitator created this logo based on the flag for the State of Colorado.



Webpages, Podcasts, and Guidebooks:

Districts and communities have created communication avenues for ICAP and PWR:



Students, counselors, teachers, and administrators from Northeast Colorado BOCES schools, including Lone Star and Otis, talk about ICAP and PWR.

"In high school, I was able to figure out what I excelled in and what I didn't. I knew that creativity was one of my strengths, and my teachers helped me get experience. They want me to succeed and to continue to bring new things to the community so that our town continues to thrive."

-Alana Brueggeman, Graduate of Wray High School, Owner of Lala's Bakery in Wray

Hear more from Alana about ICAP in Northeastern Colorado



Use the images and expressions!



Learn about the Evolution of ICAP from Lauren Jones, our ICAP partner from the Colorado Community College System. Lauren is the CTE Program Director for Special Populations, Counseling, and Equity, and the Middle School CTE Program Director. 



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