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Teacher Apprenticeship Program
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs
In 2023, Colorado Senate Bill 23-087 was signed into law to get more teachers into classrooms by creating a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program.
As a pathway to first-time teacher licensure only, the bill creates a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program, which builds on elements of current teacher licensure programs, including a bachelor's degree requirement and structured on-the-job training alongside a mentor teacher. The Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program is registered with the State Apprenticeship Agency and approved by the Colorado Department of Education and the State Board of Education.
Colorado Department of Education convened an advisory group in fall 2023 to provide input on guidelines for the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program. The group met from August to November 2023 and included representatives from Colorado institutions of higher education, the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Colorado's State Apprenticeship Agency, Colorado organizations (such as CareerWise and others) and superintendents and representatives from K-12 school districts in both urban and rural Colorado.
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Guidelines
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Sponsors
Agencies with expertise in apprenticeship or in teacher preparation will partner with employers and may serve as Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program sponsor. Entities interested in becoming teacher degree apprenticeship sponsors must apply to the Colorado Department of Education and be approved by the State Board of Education before planning a tTeacher Degree Apprenticeship Program. The Department shall determine the number of new programs to receive approval based on statewide and local needs.
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program Criteria
All Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs must meet the criteria outlined in these guidelines, which reflect the legislation Senate Bill 23-087.
Approval status for Teacher Degree Apprenticeship sponsors and programs will occur concurrently with the Colorado Department of Education, State Board of Education and State Apprenticeship Agency to those programs meeting the requirements in 7 CCR 1108-1 including the following components: employer customization, on-the-job training, bachelor’s degree program, Colorado licensure requirements, competency levels and mentor teachers. All Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs must be a minimum of two years and be registered with the State Apprenticeship Agency as a hybrid apprenticeship program that is aligned to competencies and a timeframe and which requires the completion of a minimum of 4,500 hours of recorded on-the-job training (7 CCR 1108-1).
In a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program, the approved sponsor and the employer work together to determine and customize the criteria below. One sponsor may have multiple program models to fit the needs of the employer(s) with which they are partnering. Application for approval may require more than one plan for implementation with varied components such as length of time, content and support based on apprentice experience or entry points into the program. Each Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program will need to be reviewed by the Department and approved by the State Board of Education.
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs must include, but are not limited to:
- Demonstrated evidence of need, including identified candidates for the proposed apprenticeship program;
- Need may include but is not limited to current shortage area, potential future shortage, diversification of workforce, etc.
- Minimum Qualifications
- Minimum qualifications and selection procedures must be in conformity with all terms of apprenticeship
- To be eligible as a teacher apprentice, candidates must not hold a bachelor’s or higher degree.
- Detailed plan to address the Teacher Quality Standards, educator preparation endorsement standards and these Colorado Department of Education-identified apprenticeship program components.
- On-the-job learning: An organized plan for meeting each of the defined competencies and levels of apprenticeship that can be obtained and demonstrated in one of the following ways:
- Thirty or more hours credits for successfully completing on-the-job training; or
- Creating a residency model that closely integrates coursework and clinical experience with relevant and connected assignments carried out in the clinical experience that counts as 25 percent or more toward the bachelor’s degree; or
- Embedding on-the-job learning into the assignment requirements of 25 percent or more of the courses within the degree; or
- Operating as a competency-based bachelor’s degree program.
- Bachelor’s degree program: The program incorporates completion of a bachelor's degree from a regionally or nationally accredited institution in a related field of study relative to the endorsement content area the teacher apprentices will pursue:
- For middle school, secondary and K-12 endorsement areas, the bachelor’s degree may be in the matching content area.
- For elementary, special education and early childhood education, the bachelor’s degree must match those endorsement areas.
- For special education apprentices, programs must confer the bachelor’s degree before teacher apprentices serve as teachers of record.
- Competency levels: All programs must be designed to meet the following five levels of apprenticeship including corresponding competencies, time, content, support and assessments, as defined by the program and approved by the Department through the application process.
- Level 1: Pre-Apprentice
Exposure and orientation for the apprentice to foundational knowledge of the classroom and teaching. To exit Level 1, the program must ensure the apprentice has completed requirements and demonstrated competency as defined in the approved program application. The teacher apprentice must obtain the authorization to advance to Level 2 of the teacher apprenticeship competencies. - Level 2: Beginner Apprentice
The teacher apprentice must hold a teacher apprenticeship authorization or substitute teacher authorization as specified in 1 CCR 301-37 (4.19). To exit Level 2, the program must ensure the apprentice:- Completes requirements and demonstrates competency in Teacher Quality Standard 2; and
- Is provided time to experience and practice beginning components found in Teacher Quality Standards 3 and 4.
- Level 3: Intermediate Apprentice
To exit Level 3, the program must ensure the apprentice:- demonstrates competence in Teacher Quality Standards 1 and 3;
- completes Level 3 assessments as defined by the program and meets state licensure requirements to demonstrate content competency as outlined 1 CCR 301-37 (3.01(1)(e)) of; and
- completes a minimum of 1,000 hours of on-the-job learning as a registered teacher apprentice in direct student teaching activities or as an identified teacher of record.
- Special education teacher apprentices are not eligible to exit Level 3 or start their teacher of record yearlong requirement until they have conferred a bachelor’s. (Per federal IDEA regulations, all special education teachers must, at a minimum, hold an earned bachelor’s degree.)
- Level 4: Trained Apprentice
To exit Level 4, the program must ensure the apprentice:- Is on track to meet all requirements to obtain a bachelor's degree;
- completes a minimum of 1,000 hours of on-the-job learning as a registered teacher apprentice and identified teacher of record, as defined by the approved program application per SAA requirements;
- demonstrates competency in Teacher Qualify Standards 1-4; and
- meets all requirements to obtain a Colorado initial teacher license upon program completion.
- Level 5: Completer
To complete a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program and qualify for initial teacher licensure, the apprentice must:- work as a teacher of record for a minimum of one year and complete a minimum of 4,500 hours of on-the-job learning cumulatively over the course of the program as a registered teacher apprentice per SAA requirements (Office of Apprenticeship Circular 2016-01. Guidelines for Competency-based Hybrid and Time-based Apprenticeship Training Approaches).
- If an apprentice completes an approved induction program as part of their apprenticeship program, they may then qualify for a professional teacher license.
- Level 1: Pre-Apprentice
- On-the-job learning: An organized plan for meeting each of the defined competencies and levels of apprenticeship that can be obtained and demonstrated in one of the following ways:
- Licensure: As this is a pathway to first-time teacher licensure, eligible teacher apprentice candidates must not already hold a bachelor’s or higher degree. (Individuals holding bachelor’s degrees may pursue alternative teacher preparation.) The teacher apprentice must hold a teacher apprenticeship authorization as specified in 1 CCR 301-37 (4.19).
- Requirements to receive a teacher apprenticeship authorization, a person must:
- be employed by a school district, BOCES or charter school as a teacher apprentice;
- be actively registered in a teacher apprenticeship program; and
- be actively enrolled in an affiliated bachelor’s degree program from an accredited institution.
- Teacher apprentices may not be participating in an approved alternative teacher preparation program.
- While under the teacher apprenticeship authorization, the following are allowable roles for a teacher apprentice
- Level 1: Pre-Apprentice does not require the teacher apprenticeship authorization but may allow for substitute teaching if the applicant meets substitute teaching authorization requirements as outlined in 1 CCR 301-37 (4.5).
- Level 2: Beginner Apprentice requires each apprentice either hold a Colorado substitute authorization, obtain Colorado student teaching criminal history record check as outlined in CRS 22-2-119.3 or obtain the teacher apprenticeship authorization. Allowable activities include substitute teaching, student teaching and/or participation in a residency model.
- Level 3: Intermediate Apprentice continues Level 2 authorization requirements and allowable student teaching activities and/or participation in a residency model. This level may include starting the required one-year minimum of teacher apprentice working as the teacher of record as required in 22-60.5-111.5(1)(d). Prior to starting the year-long teacher of record requirement, the apprentice must obtain the teacher apprenticeship authorization. Demonstration of content competency through passing score on the appropriate state board of education-approved content exam or portfolio equivalents as defined by endorsement area is required to complete this level.
- Level 4: Trained Apprentice will culminate in a minimum of one year as teacher of record as required in 22-60.5-111.5(1)(d). To be eligible for completion, apprentices must meet all requirements to obtain a Colorado initial teacher license upon program completion. In order to acquire a professional teaching license the teacher apprentice must meet all the criteria for an initial teacher license and complete an induction program as prescribed in 1 CCR 301-37(8.00).
- A teacher apprenticeship authorization is valid for four years while the apprentice completes the bachelor’s degree and on-the-job training requirements of the program. The authorization may be renewed twice, for two-year periods, as necessary for the teacher apprentice to fulfill apprenticeship requirements.
- The authorization automatically will be revoked should the apprentice withdraw from the teacher apprenticeship program or from the affiliated bachelor’s degree program. The Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program sponsor may revoke the authorization if the teacher apprentice does not make satisfactory progress in the teacher apprenticeship program, as determined by the employer.
- When a teacher apprentice withdraws from the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program or affiliated bachelor’s degree program, or should the sponsor revoke the authorization, the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program sponsor must notify the Colorado Department of Education of the withdrawal or revocation
- Requirements to receive a teacher apprenticeship authorization, a person must:
When a teacher apprentice withdraws from the teacher apprenticeship program or affiliated bachelor’s degree program, or should the sponsor revoke the authorization, the teacher apprenticeship program sponsor must notify the Colorado Department of Education of the withdrawal or revocation.
- Wage Schedule: A schedule of progressively increasing wages to be paid to the apprentice consistent with the skill acquired. The entry wage must not be less than the highest applicable minimum wage prescribed by the Fair Labor Standards Act, by Colorado or (to the extent applicable) local statutes or rules, or by a collective bargaining agreement (7 CCR 1108-1).
- Mentor teachers: Mentor teachers are selected at the full discretion of the employer and carry the responsibility, in conjunction with program evaluators and administrators of evaluating teacher apprentices on the Colorado Teacher Quality standards and licensure area content standards. Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program Sponsors are responsible for ensuring mentor teachers are trained and supported to conduct apprentice observation and feedback cycles. The Colorado Teacher Quality Standards and license area content standards are independently and exclusively evaluated by the apprentice mentor teacher, program administrator or program evaluator. Employers and Sponsors will Identify a numeric ratio of apprentices to mentor teachers for the workforce, which must be approved by the State Apprenticeship Agency (7 CCR 1108-1).
- Alignment with Collective Bargaining Agreements: Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program sponsors will ensure the program design, application and corresponding material submissions are in alignment with all local collective bargaining agreement components, including job classification and pay scale requirements, and submit evidence of agreement with the local association leaders at the time of application to the Colorado Department of Education.
Program Application and Approval
In order to be approved as a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship sponsor, interested agencies will submit an application and go through an approval process with the Colorado Department of Education, State Board of Education and State Apprenticeship Agency.
In order for a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program to be approved, interested agencies will submit an application and go through an approval process with the State Apprenticeship Agency. Colorado Department of Education and State Board of Education. Please see the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship: Sponsor Approval and Program Registration Steps webpage for additional information about the joint application, SAA registration and State Board of Education approval process.
Any offering of a new Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program or modification to an existing program, including significantly modifying the content, shall require the submission of the new or modified program to the Colorado Department of Education and State Apprenticeship Agency for review. To meet the standards for review, any modifications must meet the same standards as new programs established under these guidelines and subsequent standards set by federal and state law, regulations, or guidelines at the time of resubmission.
State Apprenticeship Agency rule outlines the process for apprenticeship program approval in rules 7 CCR 1108-1 1.5 (8-10). Overview of the apprenticeship approval as it relates to teacher degree apprenticeship process is outlined below:
Provisional Approval
All new registered Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs shall be under provisional approval for a minimum of one year. A quality assessment review of the program shall be conducted jointly by the Colorado Department of Education and State Apprenticeship Agency after one year to determine conformity. At that time, the registration approval of the program in conformity may be made permanent or continue to be provisionally approved through the first full training cycle. A program not in operation or not conforming during the provisional approval period may be recommended for de-registration procedures.
Each Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program sponsor must complete annual data submissions, including participant data, alignment to the Teacher Quality Standards, apprenticeship supports and other data as requested by the Colorado Department of Education and State Apprenticeship Agency.
Permanent Registration Status, Program Review and Renewal
The State Apprenticeship Agency and Colorado Department of Education must jointly review all programs for renewal of permanent registration status no less frequently than every five (5) years. Programs not in operation, not in conformity with regulations or found not to be meeting sufficient quality expectations during the program review may be placed on a performance plan, self-select to temporarily suspend their program or be recommended for disqualification or de-registration procedures.
As part of the renewal process, registered Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Programs:
- are responsible for providing evidence and documentation as requested by the State Apprenticeship Agency and the Colorado Department of Education, including but not limited to program design and implementation to meet standards; and
- will facilitate, in collaboration with the State Apprenticeship Agency and Colorado Department of Education, the onsite evaluation and corresponding logistics of a state review team site visit.
The Colorado Department of Education will notify the State Apprenticeship Agency of any findings or changes to a program's eligibility with the State Board of Education and make recommendations to the State Apprenticeship Agency. The State Apprenticeship Agency then will determine whether a program will continue with permanent registered status, operate under a defined performance plan, be on a self-identified suspension status or be disqualified or de-registered.
- If the program must operate under a performance plan, the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program will receive identified areas for improvement.
- A program operating under a performance plan may continue to enroll teacher apprentices.
- If a program cannot improve its approval status within the identified timeline, it will be recommended for disqualification or de-registration.
- If at any point during the program review and approval process a Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program decides to suspend its operation, the program must notify the State Apprenticeship Agency and Colorado Department of Education in writing.
- If a program self-selects to suspend its operation, the program must submit a plan for current apprentices to be approved by the State Apprenticeship Agency and Colorado Department of Education.
- If disqualified or de-registered, the Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program may continue to operate the program only as long as necessary to allow the actively registered apprentices to complete the program.
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Data Collection
The Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Data Collection (TDADC) requires the sponsor of each teacher degree apprenticeship program to report candidate information to CDE annually. In accordance with CRS 22-60.5-111.5, CDE is charged with creating annual reports that look at student performance, educator mobility, educator retention, educator placement, and educator performance evaluation ratings by educator preparation program. CDE is to report data for IHE-based institutions, alternative education preparation institutions, and teacher degree apprenticeship programs. This data collection provides CDE with the necessary candidate data to run the analyses for teacher degree apprenticeship programs and complete all legislatively required reporting. Please download the reporting instructions and annual reporting template to get started!
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Playbook
Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Sponsor Interest Form
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