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Learning Environment District Profile Reports
View the Most Recent District Profile Reports
Published September 2024:
Learning Environment District Profile Reports
In accordance with HB 22-1376, CDE is required to create easily accessible and user-friendly district profile reports for each school district and the Charter School Institute. The reports must cover key data points related to learning environments, such as attendance, behavior, discipline, and other measures. The reports must be disaggregated by gender, grade, ethnicity, disability, ELL status, free and reduced-price lunch status, and homeless status. In addition, the dashboard must be updated annually and the data must be changed in the 2023-2024 school year to be collected at the student level.
What is included in the reports?
Various measures are required to be represented in the district profile reports, which include the following:
- The number and type of disciplinary incidents and actions taken in response at a student level;
- Chronic absenteeism rates;
- The number of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, referrals to law enforcement, school-related arrests, students handcuffed, students physically restrained, and students placed in seclusion;
- Mental health provider ratios;
- School climate surveys; and
- Any other existing district-level measures that CDE determines relevant and related to school climate
Virtual Feedback Sessions (Completed)
During the development process for the district profile reports, CDE held virtual feedback sessions for participants to review potential data visualizations and provide input to refine the final version of the reports.
Session Materials
If you have questions, please reach out to Jewel Sale at and 720-948-7998.
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