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Periodic Data Collection: Non-Public Schools Fall Enrollment Count


The data will be used to generate a count of non-public school students in the state of Colorado. C.R.S. 22-1-114 allows Colorado's public school districts to collect, no more than once per month, certain information from non-public schools located within their districts in order to meet their responsibilities for the compulsory attendance of eligible children.

Key Dates

Request a non-public school code: Year round

Non-public Fall Enrollment Count: October 2nd, 2024 - December 2nd, 2024

Collection Overview and Resources

October 2nd, 2024 - December 2nd, 2024

Identity Management Access

District contacts will need the below user access to enter non-public fall enrollment counts in the Data Pipeline:


User roles can be adjusted by a district's LAM through Identity Management. 

Non-Public School Fall Count Form

2024-25 Fall Non-Public Enrollment Count Form 

Directions for Non-Public Schools

Directions for Non-Public Schools (pdf)

File Layout and Definitions

2024-2025 Non-Public File Layout and Definitions (PDF)

Business Rules

No Business Rules

New Non-Public School Code Request

Non-public schools must have a CDE assigned school code in order to participate in the annual Non-public Fall Enrollment Count. Outside of participating in the Non-public Fall Enrollment Count, Colorado non-public schools are not required to obtain a CDE assigned school code. 

Please complete the online form linked below to request a new code for a non-public school:

Non-Public School Code Request Form

Non-Public School Fall Enrollment Count Directions

CDE will reach out to district contacts and non-public school leaders the week prior to the Non-public School Fall Enrollment collection opening (Oct. 2nd, 2024).

Steps for district contacts

1. Districts are encouraged to review the directory information of the non-public schools located within their district boundaries. Districts can find a list of open non-public schools, along with contact information (if provided by the non-public school), via the Non Public Schools collection tab in the Data Pipeline. Please email with any notifications of non-public school closures or other changes, such as grades and populations served and non-profit status.

2. Check that contact information for your district is correct on the Non-Public Schools Directory Contacts page. This is how non-public schools will know to whom they will send enrollment count information. If district contact information needs to be updated, please send an email to

3. District contacts will want to reach out to all non-public schools in their district, including those without school codes, letting them know that the Non-public School Fall Enrollment Count is open.

Resources to provide non-public school contacts:

4. Once the district has received the Non-Public Fall Enrollment Counts, whether through the 2024-25 Fall Non-Public Enrollment Count Form or direct communication with the non-public school, the Non-Public School District Contact will enter the count numbers in the Data Pipeline Non Public Schools collection. 
To enter count information for a specific school the district respondent will need to click on the school name from the main screen of the Non Public Schools collection page. Enter the count information in the fields provided and update any of the other non-public school information fields as needed. Be sure to 'Save' before exiting the page. 
Screenshot of Non Public Schools Enrollment data entry screen.

Additional Links

For additional information, please contact