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Non Public Schools Directory
Non-public schools located in Colorado are not required to have a CDE assigned school code. However, to be listed on CDE's Directory of Non-Public School Codes or to participate in the Non-Public Fall Enrollment Count, a non-public school will need a CDE assigned school code.
To qualify for a non-public school code a school must be physically located in Colorado, serving Colorado students. Currently, CDE is not assigned school codes for virtual programs located outside of the state.
Please see the Schools of Choice Unit Non-Public Schools webpage for more detailed information on non-public school types and guidelines.
Request a CDE code for a Non-Public School
Non-public schools must have a CDE assigned school code in order to participate in the annual Non-public Fall Enrollment Count. Outside of participating in the Non-public Fall Enrollment Count, Colorado non-public schools are not required to obtain a CDE assigned school code.
New Non-Public School Code Request
Please complete the online form linked below to request a new code for a non-public school:
Non-Public School Code Request Form
School Closures
Please email with any notifications of non-public school closures or other changes, such as grades and populations served and non-profit status.
Non-Public Schools Fall Enrollment Count
The data will be used to generate a count of non-public school students in the state of Colorado. C.R.S. 22-1-114 allows Colorado's public school districts to collect, no more than once per month, certain information from non-public schools located within their districts in order to meet their responsibilities for the compulsory attendance of eligible children.
Non-Public School Fall Enrollment Count Webform
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