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Youth in Correctional Facilities
Special Education Services for Eligible Youth with Disabilities Detained in County Jails
Eligible youth with disabilities detained in county jails are entitled to special education and related services to meet their needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. 34 C.F.R. § 300.1 Administrative Units (AU) share the responsibility for ensuring educational services for detained youth with local juvenile and adult detention centers, including county jails. 34 C.F.R. § 300.2(b).
Office Hours
Zack Van Sant will host office hours regarding special education for youth in correctional facilities on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:30am-9:30am.
Administrative Unit Responsibilities for IDEA-Eligible Students Detained in County Jails Training 8/30/2023
AU Responsibilities for FAPE in County Jails
SC 2022:549 Mandatory SpEd Director Training Recording
SC 2022-549 PD Recorded Training for County Jails Officials
Office of Special Education Toolkit
The Office of Special Education has developed a toolkit for improving outcomes for youth with disabilities in juvenile corrections, which includes evidence- and research-based practices, tools, and resources that educators, families, facilities, and community agencies can use to better support and improve the long-term outcomes for youth with disabilities in juvenile facilities.
Want more information?
Zack Van Sant
Special Education Monitoring and Technical Assistance Consultant
Email Zack Van Sant
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