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Pupil Count

School Auditing Office Pupil Count Banner

2024 Count Date: Tuesday, October 1


Each year all public school districts and facilities across the state of Colorado participate in the Student October Count data submission to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The purpose of this data collection is to obtain required student level data as provided for by state statute, including information regarding students’ funding eligibility as outlined in the Public School Finance Act of 1994, as amended (22-54-101, C.R.S.). The Colorado Department of Education collects these data through the Data Pipeline system with the Information Management Services (IMS) unit of CDE overseeing the collection.

The Student October Count is based on a one (1) day membership count in which districts are asked to report all students who are actively enrolled and attending classes through their district on that date. While the submission should only include those students who meet the membership and scheduling requirements as of the pupil enrollment count day, the actual submission process begins in September and closes mid-November. Districts should refer to the Student October Count data submission documentation distributed by the IMS unit at CDE for further information regarding the actual submission process and data element definitions.

Exclamation ImageUpcoming Student October Count Webinars

Resource Guides

Annual Audit Review Resources

Beginning with the 2024 Student October Count data collection, the School Auditing Office is changing its approach to the required compliance audits.  Refer to the following documents for more information:



For information regarding the compliance audit process for Student October Counts through the 2023-24 school year, refer to the Audit Process through 2023-24 document.

Prior Audit Resource Guides

Prior versions of the Audit Resource Guide can be found by clicking here.

Supplemental Resources

Some forms recommended by the School Auditing Office may contain personally identifiable information of students and districts should take additional precautions.​ Local education agencies must use secure means when sending Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to CDE.  If transferring PII between districts, schools, or with other parties, CDE strongly recommends that districts use a secure method of transferring PII between districts, schools, or with other parties (for example, a secure file sharing tool like Syncplicity, or including the PII in a password-protected document). For more information, please visit the Data Privacy and Security website or contact CDE’s Data Privacy Office.

Please contact Rebecca McRee ( if an alternate version of any of these documents is needed.