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Districts & Schools Implementing
Colorado Districts and Schools Implementing Dual Language Immersion Programs
- Aurora Public Schools
- Global Village Academy
- Boulder Valley School District
- Columbine Elementary School
- Manhattan Middle School of Arts and Academics
- Angevine Middle School
- Casey Middle School
- Escuela Bilingue Pioneer
- University Hill Elementary
- Pioneer Bilingual
- University Hill Elementary
- Colorado Charter School Institute
- Colorado International Language Academy
- Colorado Springs School District 11
- Will Rogers Elementary
- Denver Public Schools
- Denver Center for International Studies at Fairmont
- Denver Language School
- Bryant Webster K-8
- KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary
- Sandoval Montessori
- Valdez
- Douglas County School District
- Global Village Academy Douglas County
- Eagle County School District
- Avon Elementary
- Berry Creek Middle 6-8
- Edwards Elementary
- Eagle Valley Elementary
- Gypsum Elementary
- Homestake Peak School K-8
- June Creek Elementary
- Falcon School District 49
- Stetson Elementary School
- Greeley-Evans School District 6
- Salida del Sol Academy
- Jefferson County School District R-1
- Edgewater Elementary School
- George E. Eiber Elementary School
- Lasley Elementary
- Foster Dual Language PK-8
- Lumberg Elementary
- Mesa County School District 51
- Dual Immersion Academy
- Morgan County School District Re-3
- Columbine Elementary
- Poudre School District
- Boltz Middle
- Harris Bilingual
- Irish Elementary
- Axis Academy (Authorized by CSI)
- Roaring Fork School District
- Basalt Elementary School
- Riverview School
- Summit School District
- Dillon Valley Elementary
- Silverthorne Elementary
- Summit Middle School (DLI Programming)
- Telluride R-1 School District
- Telluride Elementary School
- Telluride Intermediate School
- Telluride Middle/High School
- Thompson School District
- Bill Reed Middle School 6-8
- Cottonwood Plains Dual Language Elementary
- Loveland High School 9-12
- Lucile Erwin Middle School 6-8
- Thompson Valley High School
- Truscott Dual Language Elementary
If you would like to have your school or district's dual immersion program listed on the CDE Dual Language Immersion webpage, please complete the following request. Please note, this must be completed ONLY by a school/district representative or authorized personnel.
For technical assistance, please contact Nelson Molina, ELD Specialist at
Educator Talent for Programming
Highly qualified in Content: Elementary or Secondary
School & District-based Recruitment
- Alternative Certification Programs for those community members with BA degrees
- Paraprofessionals
- Ladder to Teacher Program
- Parents
- Alumni students
- Graduates
- Student teachers
- Job fairs- local, state, national and international
State-Based Strategies
- Spain: Programa de Maestros Visitantes
- Mexico: Binational
- China
- Taiwan
Bachelor Degree
3 years of teaching experience in the home country over the last three years
Schedule a Visit
It is highly recommended that you organize a visit to an elementary dual language immersion program in your area, if available. Sometimes School Board members and school district personnel can be convinced once they see a current program in action. It's challenging for adults who have not experienced the way young children acclimate to learning a language to understand exactly how it works until they see it. It can also be convincing if these decision-makers see students in an adjacent or nearby school district benefiting from the opportunity to learn a second language.
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