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Colorado State Publications Library Borrowing Policy
- Any Colorado resident is eligible to borrow materials at no charge by visiting the library and showing photo identification and verification of current address, such as a Colorado Driver’s License, Colorado ID Card, Government-Issued ID Card or Student ID Card. Patrons under the age of 13 years old must bring a parent or guardian with them who has the above identification.
- Businesses or groups wishing to borrow materials must designate one person to show the appropriate ID and be responsible for the items.
- Publications may be borrowed for three weeks and renewed three times unless the item is needed. Items can be renewed via email or phone. When the item is checked in, no record will remain of the transaction.
- An overdue reminder will be sent after the item is 7 days overdue. A second overdue notice will be sent 30 days later. 67 days after the original due date, an invoice will be sent charging the patron a replacement fee of $50 plus a $5 processing fee. Patrons may renew items at any time during this period and will not be charged late fees. After receipt of the payment or the item, any reminders and/or invoices will be removed from the patron’s record.
- Materials that are returned in such poor condition that they are no longer usable will be charged the replacement fee of $50 plus a $5 processing fee.
Interlibrary Loan Policy
- The loan period for ILLs is 30 days. For items sent internationally, the loan period is extended to 60 days to accommodate increased shipping time.
- If the borrowing library requests a renewal, an additional 30 days will be allowed
- After an item is 60 days overdue an invoice will be sent charging the borrowing library a replacement fee of $50 plus a $5 processing fee. Upon receipt of the payment or item, the ILL form and copy of the invoice will be discarded.
Borrower's Agreement:
The individual or library to whom materials are loaned is responsible for the following:
- The return, in good condition, of all materials borrowed
- Payment of fees incurred for damaged or lost materials
- Reporting lost or stolen materials immediately
- Reporting promptly any changes in name, address, or phone number
Pay all lost or damage fees as the result of lending materials to another individual
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