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Creating and Using Partitions of Ten for Addition - Grades K-2
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Students will learn a variety of ways to compose and decompose ten. Students will work with a variety of representations such as finger patterns, ten frames, number paths, and stories to help recognize and use pairs of numbers that add together to equal ten.
Goals and Standards
Colorado Academic Standards:
- K.OA.A. Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Model and describe addition as putting together and adding to, and subtraction as taking apart and taking from, using objects or drawings.
- 1.OA.C. Operations & Algebraic Thinking: Add and subtract within 20.
Mathematical Practice Standards:
- MP4. Model with mathematics.
- MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
- MP6. Attend to precision.
- MP7. Look for and make use of structure.
Learning Goal:
- Students compose and decompose ten in a variety of ways.
- Students flexibly solve a variety of addition and subtraction problem types such as additive, subtractive, missing addend, and missing subtrahend within ten.
Materials List
Blue and red ten frame cards (Ten Frame Cards)
- Partitions of ten addition equation cards (Addition Equation Cards)
- Subtraction within ten equation cards (Subtraction Equation Cards)
- Jumps on number line board (Number Line Board)
- Ten small objects such as counters, paper clips, pennies, etc
- Small opaque cup
- Six-sided Dice
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