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Transitioning to Adulthood
Planning for the transition from high school to college or vocation training, employment, and independent living should begin early in your child’s high school years. A team of individuals including educators, community service providers, medical personnel (as needed), family members, and your child should all be involved in the planning process. Listed below are a variety of resources that can help you and your child in this process.
General Information on Transition Services
Transition Toolkit for Students with Traumatic Brain Injury
- Transition Planning and Strategies
- Transition and Adult Resources
Colorado Department of Education
- Transition Services
Transitions to College
- Supports students in areas of academics, independent living, social skills and career development
Transitions to Work
- A service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor. Provides a variety of information on workplace accommodations
- More information for job seekers
- More information on brain injury
- More information on executive functioning deficits
Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
- School to Work Resources
School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP)
- Provides a variety of services to assist young adults with a disability in obtaining employment
- Receives referrals from Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Ticket to Work to provide job placement services
Children’s Hospital Colorado Project SEARCH
- School-to-work transition program for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities that involves students being completely immersed in the workplace
Ability Connection Colorado – Social Security Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
- Free work incentive planning/assistance for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries
Independent Living
- Provide services to support independent living.
Transitioning into Adult Health Care
- Information for families on transitioning into adult health care and beginning to have youth manage their own health care needs
Colorado Adult Brain Injury Program
- Learn more about the Colorado Adult Brain Injury Program services available through the Adult Brain Injury Program and eligibility criteria through the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado.
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