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July 2023 CDE Update
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email
Leadership News
Education Commissioner Susana Córdova’s first day was Monday, June 26. Learn more about Commissioner Córdova here. Former Commissioner Katy Anthes will assume the role of special assistant to the commissioner until Monday, July 10, to help with the transition. Read Commissioner Córdova’s first letter to superintendents here.
Integrated Timelines
Colorado Universal Preschool Update
Accountability, Performance & Support
- Accountability and Continuous Improvement will host upcoming training opportunities and webinars to provide an overview and guidance on the 2023 processes. Visit the new accountability training page or the school improvement and planning training page to register. A new resources webpage is available with the most recent updates for 2023.
- Guidance on 2023 accreditation and the request to reconsider process was released at the end of June. To access the guidance, visit the school accreditation and request to reconsider webpage.
- Accountability Contacts for each district will now be assigned using the IdM system. For more information on setting up the accountability contact view the IdM user guide.
- Final CMAS Science, Math, English Language Arts, including Colorado Spanish Language Arts, and CoAlt Science individual student reports and aggregated reports will be available to schools and districts via PearsonAccessnext throughout July.
- PSAT and SAT student level data files will be available to districts via Syncplicity on Friday, July 7.
- REMINDER: All state assessment results are embargoed and must not be publicly disseminated, distributed or published by any means until they are publicly released by the state during the State Board of Education meeting on Thursday, Aug. 17. However, districts and schools may share confidential individual student performance reports with parents upon receipt and may use aggregated and individual student level results internally for informational and planning purposes before that time. All files and reports are confidential because they contain student personally identifiable information. They should not be disseminated publicly.
District Operations
Data Pipeline
- The 2022-23 Education Stability Grant and Expelled and At-Risk Student Services End of Year Collection closing date will be Friday, July 14.
- The 2022-23 Student Re-engagement Grant End of Year Collection closing date is August 11.
- The Special Education Discipline Snapshot is open with a final deadline of Thursday, Aug. 17.
- The School Discipline periodic collection is open with a deadline of Friday, Aug. 18..
- The Attendance Snapshot is open with a deadline of Thursday, Aug. 24..
- The teacher student data link interchange file and snapshot are open with a deadline of Friday, Aug. 25.
- The Designated Agency data collection is now open until Thursday, Aug. 31.
- Local Education Agencies calendars for 2023-24 may be entered and due Sept. 1.
- The Student End of Year snapshot is open with target due dates in July and August. The final deadline is Sept. 7. July and August have several target dates to support districts with this collection.
- The Special Education End of Year snapshot is open with a deadline of Sept. 29.
- The Staff Evaluation Interchange is open with a final deadline of Oct.16.
Nutrition & Health
- Districts that choose to participate in The Healthy School Meals for All program can offer free breakfast and lunch to all students at participating schools for the 2023-24 school year. A communications toolkit is available to help districts and schools communicate information about the program to families.
Teaching and Learning
- The State Board of Education approved additional kindergarten school readiness assessments during their June meeting. The full list of approved KSR assessments is available on the Assessment Choices and School Readiness Plans webpage.
- The 2023-24 READ Teacher Training Completion Reporting window opens on Tuesday, Aug. 1. Local education providers are required to report the READ Act teacher training completion status of K-3 teachers who provide literacy instruction by Thursday, Aug. 31.
For questions related to the READ Data Pipeline collections, email the READ Act Data Team at
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