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2022 READ Act Advisory List of Assessments Review Process


The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado Legislature during the 2012 legislative session. Interim, diagnostic and summative assessments are a required part of the READ Act and are to be administered to students in grades K-3.  The READ Act requires that at least one interim, diagnostic and summative assessment shall be available in Spanish. Districts and schools must choose from the approved list for their use of assessments to meet the requirements of the READ Act.

The main purpose of K-3 assessments in the Colorado READ Act is to identify “students with a significant reading deficiency” in grades K-3.  Interim assessments are administered to all students three times each school year.  Those students identified as having a “significant reading deficiency” must then have diagnostic assessments administered to pinpoint those students’ specific area(s) of weakness and provide in-depth information about students’ skills and instructional needs.  Students identified with a significant reading deficiency are required to have an intervention plan called READ Plan.  The students’ READ Plan will include targeted, scientifically-based or evidence-based intervention instruction to address and remediate the students’ specific diagnosed “reading skill deficiencies.”  Then, once instruction has begun, teachers must use progress monitoring assessments to determine whether students are making adequate progress and to determine whether instruction needs to be adjusted. READ Act Assessments must screen for the recognized challenges of dyslexia, including phonological processing, phonemic awareness, and decoding and encoding skills.   



Colorado statute (22-7-1209 (2)(a)(II)-requires assessments being utilized for the READ Act to meet the following:

(A) Each of the recommended reading assessments is evidence-based or scientifically based and is aligned with the preschool through elementary and secondary education standards for reading adopted by the state board pursuant to section 22-7-1005;

(B) Each of the recommended reading assessments is valid and reliable and proven to effectively and accurately measure students' reading skills in the areas of phonemic awareness; phonics; vocabulary development; reading fluency, including oral skills; and reading comprehension;

(C) Each of the recommended reading diagnostics is proven to accurately identify students' specific reading skill deficiencies;

(D) At least one of the recommended reading assessments for kindergarten and first, second, and third grades is normed for the performance of students who speak Spanish as their native language, which assessment is available in both English and Spanish; and

(E) The list of recommended reading assessments and reading diagnostics includes at least one assessment and one diagnostic that a student can complete using pencil and paper rather than using a computer.

Additional Requirements

Considerations from the READ Act Third Party Evaluator

In 2021, West Ed conducted several meetings and evaluations to identify how the READ Act Assessments scores could be compared across the state. The information was in response to a requirement in SB 19-199 C.R.S. 22-7-1209 (8)(c)(III) requiring the CDE to identify “growth to standard”. 

(B) The amount of academic growth to standard in reading annually attained by students who are identified as having significant reading deficiencies and whether students identified as having significant reading deficiencies demonstrate sufficient, as determined by the department, growth to standard in reading over multiple years;

(E) The amount of academic growth to standard in reading annually attained by students who are reading below grade level and whether students identified as reading below grade level demonstrate sufficient, as determined by the department, growth to standard in reading over multiple years;

    West Ed conducted the following meetings:

Recommendations from the Dyslexia Working Group

During the 2019 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed House Bill 19-1134,  The working group is tasked with recommending dyslexia screening tools and processes, a statewide plan for identifying and supporting students with dyslexia, and educator training in recognizing and providing interventions for students with dyslexia. 

  • CDE staff used the Dyslexia Working Group yearly reports to identify additional information related to screening for dyslexia

  • CDE sought stakeholder feedback from members of the Dyslexia Working Group to support understanding of DWG recommendations


Contract with an outside technical evaluator. 

Per READ Act Rule, C.C.R. 301-92, 8.06, CDE may work with a third-party evaluator to provide a technical review of assessments. 

In reviewing, updating, and making recommendations for new reading assessments, the department must consult with LEPs, including those with high enrollments of students who are English Language Learners as defined in section 22-24-103, C.R.S., and with third-party experts to provide a technical review as necessary. The department shall ensure that the procedure outlined in section 8.00 of these rules is inclusive and transparent.

The CDE has contracted with an outside entity to complete the full review. After soliciting applications from several assessment evaluators from public universities, CDE contracted with the University of Massachusetts (UMASS) at Amherst to support the assessment rubric development and conduct the assessment technical review.

  • The individual reports and documents from the 2022 READ Act Assessment Review are available for public viewing upon request. Please contact

Rubric Development for Technical Review

  • UMASS provided a DRAFT Rubric on May 16, 2022 
  • Stakeholder feedback was conducted May 17, 2022 - May 22, 2022. 
    • The draft rubric was provided to stakeholders, including those named in Colorado State Rule, members of the Dyslexia Working Group, members of the public and other stakeholders.

Part I - Letter of Intent to Apply

Vendors interested in submitting assessments for the 2022 Assessment Review must have submitted a Part I - Letter of Intent to Apply by May 20, 2022 at 4:00 PM MT. Vendors who do not submit the Part I - Letter of Intent to Apply were not eligible to submit assessments for review. 

Vendors that submitted a Letter of Intent to Apply: 

  • Acadience Learning Inc. - Acadience Reading K-6 (including RAN and Word Use Fluency-Revised) (2021)
  • Acadience Learning Inc. - Acadience Reading Diagnostic: Phonemic Awareness & Word Reading and Decoding (2021) and Acadience Reading Diagnostic: Comprehension, Fluency and Oral Language (2021)
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition (2018)
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS Lectura (2022)
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS:Acadience Reading (2010)
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS:IDEL (2009)
  • Curriculum Associates, LLC - i-Ready Assessment for Reading. i-Ready was created in 2011. Curriculum Associates continually makes updates and enhancements. We are currently on version 12.7, which was updated and is subject to copyright protections for 2022.
  • EarlyBird Education, Inc. - EarlyBird (2021)
  • EarlyBird Education - EarlyBird
  • Edmentum - Exact Path (2022)
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company - Amira 2021
  • Illuminate Education, Inc. - FastBridge
  • Illuminate Education, Inc. - Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
  • Istation - ISIP Reading - Initially released 2002 with multiple updates each year since. ISIP Lectura - Initially released 2009 with multiple updates each year since.
  • Lexia Voyager Sopris Inc. - Acadience Reading K-6; C2021
  • NCS Pearson, Inc. through its Clinical Assessment business - aimswebPlus (updated 2022)
  • NCS Pearson, Inc. through its Clinical Assessment business - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fifth Edition (PPVT-5) (2018)
  • NCS Pearson, Inc. through its Clinical Assessment business - Test de Vocabulario en Imagenes Peabody 
  • NCS Pearson, Inc. through its Clinical Assessment business - Pearson Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, 3rd edition (WRMT-III) (2011)
  • NWEA - MAP Reading Fluency, 2018
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Early Literacy (2000) and Star CBM Reading (2020)
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Reading (1996)
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - KeyPhonics
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Early Literacy (2000) and Star Reading (1996)
  • Riverside Insights - easyCBM District Version 2011
  • Riverside Insights - Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey III (WMLS III), 2017

Part II - Assessment Review

Only vendors who submitted a Letter of Intent to Apply were provided a link to apply for the full review.  Applications were due July 6, 2022 at 4:00 PM MT. CDE staff reviewed the application packets to ensure all requested documents were provided. After reviewing applications for completeness CDE provided materials to the UMASS. The following vendors were provided applications to move forward with the technical review:

Vendors that submitted a Part II - Assessment Review Application:

  • Acadience Learning Inc. - Acadience Reading Diagnostic: Phonemic Awareness & Word Reading and Decoding (2021) and Acadience Reading Diagnostic: Comprehension, Fluency and Oral Language (2021), 2021
  • Acadience Learning Inc. and Voyager Sopris Learning - Acadience Reading K-6 (including RAN, Spelling, and Word Use Fluency-Revised), 2021
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS Lectura, 2022
  • Amplify Education, Inc. - mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition, 2018
  • Curriculum Associates, LLC - i-Ready Assessment for reading, 13.0, 2022
  • Edmentum - Exact Path, 2022 - Amira (K-3), 2021
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company - Amira (K-3), 2021
  • Illuminate Education - FastBridge aReading, 2015
  • Illuminate Education - FastBridge earlyReading and CBMreading, 2015
  • Illuminate Education, Inc. - Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) ~ PALS-K, PALS Plus, PALS espanol, 1997 (Vendor withdrew application from consideration on October 6, 2022.)
  • Istation - ISIP Reading, 2002 and ISIP Lectura, 2009
  • NCS Pearson, Inc. - aimswebPlus (First Edition), 2016
  • NWEA - MAP Reading Fluency, 2018
  • NWEA - MAP Growth, Edition N/A, 2020
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Phonics, 2020
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star CBM, 2020
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Early Literacy, 2000
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Reading, 1996
  • Renaissance Learning, Inc. - Star Early Learning, 2000 and 1996
  • UMASS conducted the technical review July 8, 2022 - August 14, 2022. 
    • Some application packets contain vendor proprietary information. Any requests for vendor materials must be requested directly from CDE.
  • CDE review for criteria
    • CDE conducted a staff review identifying assessments that met the following criteria (assessments that met each category are listed under each bullet):
      • Assessments that have a Spanish assessment normed for students whose first language is Spanish.
      • Assessments that can be administered in paper and pencil format
      • Assessments that can be used to screen for indicators of risk for dyslexia.
      • Assessments that have been used in the state of Colorado
      • Assessments that were Highly Rated by UMASS

CDE submission to State Board of Education

Per statute 22-7-1209 (1)(b), the State Board of Education is responsible for determining which assessments shall be on the READ Act Advisory List.

(b) The list of approved evidence-based or scientifically based reading assessments, based on the recommendations of the department, that local education providers may use to meet the requirements specified in section 22-7-1205. The state board shall adopt the list of approved reading assessments by March 31, 2013. The state board shall review the list of approved reading assessments, on or before July 1, 2019, and every four years thereafter and update the list as necessary.


State Board of Education Decision 

On November 10, 2022, the State Board of Education approved the following assessments for use starting in the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Acadience Reading (previously published under DIBELS Next) published by Acadience
  •  Amplify mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition, 2018; mClass Lectura 2022
  • Curriculum Associates, LLC i-Ready Assessment for Reading, 13.0, 2022
  • Indicators of Progress for Early Reading (ISIP ER) (English and Spanish) published by Istation
  • Star Early Learning published by Renaissance Learning, Inc. 

Appeal Process

The appeals process is  governed by the state board promulgated rules which read, “On appeal, the department and the state board must, at a minimum, consider any findings that an appellant may submit from a nationally recognized, evidence-based information clearinghouse that demonstrate that a program has achieved positive results for a substantially similar population of students who are identified as having significant reading deficiencies.” CCR 301-92, 11.01 See below for more information on the Appeal Process.

An appeal process has been established in rule pursuant to C.R.S. 22-7-1209(1)(d). If a vendor’s assessment  is not included on the approved list, the publisher may submit a written appeal to the department no later than 14 days after receiving notification. 

  • Special note; vendors can appeal the technical review. This appeal does not equal an appeal to the State Board of Education. Only areas of the technical review will be considered by UMASS. An appeal to the technical review does not mean a vendor will be chosen by the State Board of Education

  • Appeals to the State Board of Education decision may only happen after the State Board of Education has made a decision. Appeals should be provided directly to the SBE (email or link).

         For questions, please contact