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Board Meeting Archives - May 12, 2021

Colorado State Board of Education

View May 12, 2021 Meeting Agenda and Materials

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this meeting was held remotely via Microsoft Teams and was live-streamed via YouTube.


  • Legislative Update with Position Votes on SB21-185; Supporting Educator Workforce in Colorado and HB21-1010; Diverse K-12 Educator Workforce
  • Public Comment: Written Public Comment will be read into the record during this time. This will be read in the order it was received for a maximum of three minutes per item, with a total of 30 minutes on the agenda for public comment
  • Information: Standards Update: Holocaust and Genocide Studies and Standards Revision
  • Action: University of Northern Colorado’s Request for Reauthorization of Two Teacher Preparation Endorsement Programs
  • Lunch Recess
  • Executive Session: The State Board of Education will convene an executive session to receive legal advice on specific legal questions pursuant to 24-6-402(3)(a)(II) C.R.S., and on matters required to be kept confidential by federal law, rules or state statutes pursuant to 24-6-402(3)(a)(III) C.R.S.
  • Information: Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Research Request: Full-day Preschool Pilot Outcomes Study
  • Information: Accountability Clock Pause Implications for Schools with Directed Action




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