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Speech-Language Pathology Listserv

The Colorado Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) listserv shares resources, professional development and training opportunities and provides information including current trends, research, and ongoing topics of interest related to SLPs. The purpose of this network is to provide information and news regarding the profession and research; announce professional development and training opportunities; and post school-based job openings. Our focus is to better the lives of students with Speech-Language Impairments and benefit the families, communities, and professionals who support them. This service is chat-free and does not include advertisements from vendors or contract-based companies. To subscribe to the SLP Listserv, please follow the directions below.

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  • Open a new email.
  • In the “To” field, type the email
  • In the body of the message write, “unsubscribe SLP” and send the message.
  • You will automatically be unsubscribed.

Listserv Disclaimer:

A variety of learning opportunities, information, and resources are provided on this listserv. These materials do not represent an exhaustive list, nor are they required or endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The identification or description is for the purpose of providing information and resources and does not constitute CDE's endorsement. Every effort has been made to identify the citation for the resource; please maintain the citation and/or authorship when adapting or modifying these materials.

ASHA State Education Advocacy Leader (SEAL)

State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEALs) are appointed to advocate on education issues by CSHA our ASHA recognized state speech-language hearing association. The SEAL’s purpose is “to enhance and perpetuate the advocacy, leadership, and clinical management skills of school-based ASHA members at the state and local levels to influence administrative and public policy decisions that affect the delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology services in school settings.” Find more information about SEALs and who represents Colorado.

The Colorado Speech-Language Hearing Association (CSHA)

CSHA is a professional association consisting of speech-language pathologists and audiologists that work in a variety of settings throughout Colorado. The key goals of CSHA are the advancement of education, advocacy, and member communication amongst SLPs and Audiologists. Membership in CSHA supports state level advocacy for our professions, CE events hosted in Colorado, communication to members on important issues, as well as volunteer and networking opportunities. CSHA's vision is "Making Colorado a place where all voices are heard." CSHA welcomes future professionals and speech-language pathology assistants. We hope you'll consider becoming a member. For more information go to the CSHA website.

Speech-Language Advisory Committee (SLAC)

SLAC Mission Statement: The Committee believes that speech-language pathologists and special educators in Colorado deserve innovative professional development opportunities that address issues, challenges, and evidence-base practices relevant to infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents with disabilities. The Committee provides advice on policies and procedures for best practices and in the alignment and standardization of services across the state. Committee members consist of regional representatives, hospital representatives, school administrators, university liaisons and various other stakeholder groups. Regional Representatives act as liaisons for their regional public school SLP constituents. They are nominated by their Special Education Director and chosen through an application process to serve in this capacity. Representatives from the Colorado Speech-Language-Hearing Association (CSHA), the university programs, and community liaisons were added to the Committee to ensure collaboration between significant stakeholders across the state.

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Employment and Recruitment

SLP Job Board* 

 *Please note this is not a comprehensive list and may not include all Pathologist and Pathology Assistant vacancies

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Career Tracks

School-based SLPs are Master’s degree educated experts in the areas of speech, language and communication. SLPAs have Bachelor’s degrees and have completed a certification program and clinical practicum hours. 

There are a variety of pathways to becoming a school-based SLP in Colorado. Interested parties with a BA or BS in any field can complete an SLP Prerequisites (SLPP) program to get prepared for an SLP graduate program, or complete an SLPA certification program. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in communication disorders or a related field, you may be eligible to enroll directly into a Master’s degree program. See the links below for more information on these options. 


Speech-Language Pathology Assistant

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For more information about services for students who have speech or language impairments in Colorado, please contact:

Hannah Mackie
Email Hannah Mackie

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