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Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE)
The Colorado Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Grant Program is part of a comprehensive approach to adolescent well-being that seeks to support Colorado youth in developing and navigating healthy relationships and in making decisions that result in reduced rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. SRAE programs use a Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework as part of a risk avoidance strategy to help participants develop healthy life skills, increase individual protective factors that reduce risks, make healthy decisions, engage in healthy relationships, and set goals that lead to self-sufficiency and marriage before engaging in sexual activity. SRAE programs teach youth personal responsibility, self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision-making, a focus on the future, and the prevention of youth risk behaviors such as drug and alcohol use without normalizing teen sexual activity.
According to Colorado’s Comprehensive Health and Physical Education standards, by graduation students should be able to apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health. A comprehensive approach to health is at the forefront of Colorado’s Comprehensive Health and Physical Education standards, which include sexual risk avoidance education throughout all grade levels. Through the awards from this grant program, CDE supports local efforts in ways that individual communities deem appropriate to provide comprehensive sexual health education to youth.
CDE awards competitive subgrants to Community-Based Organizations that provide Out-of-School Time programming to implement standards-aligned and evidence-based or -informed Sexual Risk Avoidance Education programming that uses a Positive Youth Development framework.
Statutory Authority
The federally funded Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Program is managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (HHS-ACF) and authorized and funded by Section 510 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 710), as amended by Section 50502 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, Public Law (Pub. L.) No. 115-123, and extended by the CARES Act, 2020 (Pub. L. No. 116-136) to enable states, territories, or other entities to implement education exclusively on sexual risk avoidance. Visit the Family and Youth Services Bureau’s Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education: Fact Sheet for more information about this federal program. CDE holds the SRAE State Grant.
Subrecipient Resources
Fiscal Management
- CDE Formsite: Submit requests for funds
- CDE Grants Distribution: Review funding requests and payments
- CDE AFR/IFR Submission Form : Submit Annual and Interim Financial Reports
- CDE Grants Fiscal: Contact Patrick Mueller, CDE Grants Fiscal Analyst
Program Management
- 2022-23 Title V SRAE Important Dates (regularly updated, Google Doc)
- Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Grant - RFA – 2022/CLOSED (PDF)
Federal Reporting
Performance Analysis Study (PAS) - due to CDE and PAS biannually, the beginning of February and August
SRAE Participant Survey Tools - submit to CDE State Coordinator (see contact information below):
- Reporting periods: Winter (Oct 1 - Jan 30) and Summer (Feb 1 - June 30)
- Training and Technical Assistance Resources (download the following)
- Updated SRAE PAS Participant Entry and Exit Surveys (PDFs)
- Participant Entry Survey Tool (Excel)
- Participant Exit Survey Tool (Excel)
PAS Portal - upload the following data:
- ”Structure, cost, and support for program implementation”
- “Measures of attendance, reach, and dosage”
Performance Progress Report - due to CDE biannually, mid-October and April
Google Form provided by CDE State Coordinator via email
Professional Development
The Exchange serves as a national resource hub for SRAE,an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program. Subrecipients, partners, and stakeholders may use The Exchange to learn, connect, and create materials to increase the visibility and impact of their efforts to prevent pregnancy among vulnerable youth. Only SRAE subrecipients have access to resources on The Exchange. Contact your State SRAE coordinator to be granted access (see contact information below).
Spotlight on The Exchange resources for new staff:
- SEXUAL RISK AVOIDANCE EDUCATION (SRAE) 101 (2-part “e-learning module”)
Relevant state policy and standards
Relevant databases of evidence-based programs
Health and Human Services' Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review
University of Colorado, Boulder’s Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
Monitoring and Evaluation
Current Colorado Title V SRAE Subrecipients
Current Colorado Title V SRAE Subrecipients
Community-Based Organizations | Contacts | Communities Served |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Pueblo County |
Becky Medina (719) 564-0055 x111 |
Pueblo |
Center Viking Youth Club |
Katrina Ruggles (719) 580-9199 |
Center |
Friends for Youth |
Alana Sheffield (303) 756-9285 |
Aurora |
For more information, please contact:
Shannon Allen - OST Programs and Partnerships Specialist | (720) 498-4675
Disclaimer: This webpage is supported by Grant Number 2402COSRAE from the Family and Youth Services Bureau within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this webpage (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family and Youth Services Bureau.
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