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Educator Effectiveness Metrics

Educator Effectiveness (EE) Metrics


As required by state statute and State Board of Education rules, CDE must collect teacher and principal performance evaluation data and provide aggregated reports back to districts and the public. These reports are referred to as the Educator Effectiveness Metrics. Released annually, the metrics reflect performance evaluation ratings for teachers and principals for the most recent years for which CDE has data. Due to the time it takes districts to complete and submit evaluation data to CDE, there is a time lag in reporting these metrics.
These are the publicly reported metrics for teachers and principals:

  • Overall Effectiveness Ratings
  • Quality Standard Ratings
  • Alignment
  • Gap Analysis

Historical Information

Within the current dashboard, results from 2018-2019 for all districts through the most recent year are available but some results are not comparable due to changes in the weighting of the state's evaluation system and updates to applicable evaluation standards over time. 

  • Before 2018-2019: Information is not comparable due to changes in the evaluation system, but are available in the SchoolView Data Center
  • 2018-2019: available in the dashboard, 50% measures of student learning and 50% performance evaluation
  • 2019-2020: data unavailable due to Covid-19 pandemic
  • 2020-2021: available in the dashboard, 100% performance evaluation with no measures of student learning included; not comparable to any other year
  • 2021-2022: available in the dashboard, 50% measures of student learning and 50% performance evaluation
  • 2022-2023: available in the dashboard, 50% measures of student learning and 50% performance evaluation
  • 2023-2024: available in the dashboard, 30% measures of student learning and 70% performance evaluation

More detail on evaluation changes over time can be found on the Educator Effectiveness evaluation systems page.

Cautions on Comparing Evaluations Over Time

Only three years of Educator Effectiveness metrics data are comparable to each other within the current reporting. The chart below outlines which years of data are comparable and why.

School Year Comparable  Not Comparable (and reason)
Before 2018-2019   No, created under previous standards. Some data for 2017-2018 is available in the dashboard for districts who participated in a pilot program for the updated standards.
2018-2019 x  
2019-2020   No, not collected
2020-2021   No, ratings did not include measures of student learning.
2021-2022 x  
2022-2023 x  
2023-2024 and beyond   No, includes 70% performance measures and 30% measures of student learning (different weights from previous years)

Alternate Formats

To access all of the data populating the EE Metrics displays, please download the files below (split into multiple files for file size). If you need this information in another format or the data you are looking for is unavailable, please reach out to 


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