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Grant Writing Resources
Candid: Funding Information Network Locations
Funding Information Network locations are free funding information centers in libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers that provide a core collection of Candid publications and a variety of supplementary materials and services in areas useful to grantseekers. Locations agree to provide free public access to Candid's Funding Information Network online databases and a basic collection of publications. At the web site you can find a location near you (20 locations in Colorado) or submit a proposal to become a participating library.
Colorado Common Grant Forms
Many funding agencies require applicants to submit proposals using the Colorado Common Grant forms located at this site.
Library Fund Raising: A Selected Annotated Bibliography
This extensive fact sheet from the American Library Association provides the reader with resources for libraries wanting to fund a large, one-time project or to form lasting connections with the community at large that will generate future dividends. A must read!
Browning, B. A. (2011). Grant Writing for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This title guides you through the entire grant award process. Written in easy to understand language it is a good reference for all grant related topics.
Hall-Ellis, S. D., & Bowers, S. L., & Hudson, C. & Williamson, C., & Patrick, J. (2011). Librarian’s Handbook for Seeking, Writing, and Managing Grants. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Tips on how to enhance your library’s chances of getting grant funding.
Gerding, S. K., & Mackellar, P.H. (2006). Grants for Libraries: a how-to-do-it manual. Chicago, IL: Neal Shuman Publishers, Inc.
This “do-it-yourself” book and CD-ROM outlines the grant writing process and provides a step-bt-step strategy for getting a grant.
Karsh, E., & Fox, A. S. (2009). The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need: Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets. New York, NY: Basic Books.
This book is designed to help nonprofit organizations craft proposals for grants from foundations, companies, and government agencies.
Kepler, A. (2012). The ALA Book of Library Grant Money. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions.
This directory of library and school grants remains the gold standard for locating sources of funding.
Koch, D.S. (2009). How to Say It: Grantwriting: write proposals that grantmakers want to fund. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Press.
A guide to writing grant proposals tailored specifically to the funders interests. Includes step-by-step instructions and samples of wining proposals.
Landau, H. (2010). Winning Library Grants: A Game Plan. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions.
A book for the “grant novice” the author will guide the reader through grant fundamentals.
Swan, J. (2002). Fundraising for Libraries: 25 proven ways to get more money for your library. New York, NY: Neal-Shuman Publishers.
The author presents principles of fundraising which includes how to determine which moneymaking process best fits your libraries current need.
Batis, O. (2012). Grant Writing. Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 10(2), 58-59.
An example of how a library secured funding from outside sources after a substantial budget cut.
Franklin,P. & Stephens, C.G. (2008). Gaining Skills to Write Winning Grants. School Library Media Activities Monthly. 25(3). p43-44.
Information on grant writing for library media centers.
Gerding, S. (2005). Ten Terrific Tips for Library Grants. Public Libraries. 44(6). P336-338.
A review of the items one must think about when developing a grant proposal. The article includes discussions on organizational capacity, expected outcomes and partnerships.
Gerding, S. (2006). Writing Successful Library Grant Proposals. Public Libraries, 45(5), p31-33.
This article offers advice to public libraries on writing successful grant proposals. Details on the specific sections of grant proposals are discussed.
Rolen, R. (2009). Tips for Writing Grants. Louisiana Libraries. 71(3). p16-18.
This article offers tips on how to obtain grants for libraries.
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