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Professional Learning to Support Results Matter Implementation

Assessment and Data Use

Using assessment data to inform instruction is the cornerstone of Results Matter. These resources will help early childhood professionals provide intentional, consistent, high-quality early learning experiences for every child.

Administrative Data Use Self-Assessment

The Early Childhood Data Use Self-Assessment Tool was designed in collaboration with the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Central at Marzano Research to support early childhood program staff interested in building their capacity to use data to inform, plan, monitor, and make decisions for program improvement. The tool is a checklist organized around three key elements: Planning for Data Use, Using and Communicating Data, and Self-Reflection and Monitoring. Two versions are available at the IES>REL website, a checklist only version and a full tool with linked resources.

Administrative Data Use Self-Assessment Tools

Self-Reflection and Implementation Tools

Know exactly what it takes to successfully implement Results Matter in Colorado. Use our tools to assist with professional development and implementation planning. These tools identify systems performance and practice expectations for beginners as well as veterans.

Self-Reflection and Implementation Tools

Preschool Outcomes: Results Matter and OSEP Indicator 7 Reporting

This module is for special education administrators and early childhood personnel who are involved with OSEP Preschool Outcomes reporting. It is designed to promote understanding of the three functional child outcomes and how they fit into the Exceptional Student Services Unit's Results Driven Accountability system. Rating levels, progress categories, and data quality are also discussed.

Link to Preschool Outcomes Module

PDIS Courses

Colorado’s Professional Development Information System (PDIS) offers a wide range of online professional development opportunities to any user. Three courses were made available in collaboration between Results Matter and the PDIS.

  • The Introduction to Child Assessment course provides an overview of observational assessment.
  • How to Use Child Assessment Data to Achieve Positive Outcomes, is available in two versions, one for teachers and one for administrators. Both cover foundational principles of data use; strategies for using child assessment data at the educator level such as planning, communication, self-monitoring, and self-reflection; and strategies for using child assessment data at the administrator level such as data analysis, reporting, program improvement, and support and monitoring.