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Teacher Appreciation Week Toolkit
About Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week
Colorado teachers change lives! Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, 2023. CDE invites you to participate and give thanks to Colorado's inspiring teachers.
During this week, we invite everyone to share a post, image or video with a sign thanking a teacher on any social media site using the hashtag #ThankATeacherCO.
To help districts and schools celebrate this week, we've created a number of resources to spread the word in schools, with administrators, parents and local communities.
Click to jump to a section:
Discounted Rockies Tickets for Teachers
For Teacher Appreciation Week 2023, CDE partnered with The Colorado Rockies and TEACH Colorado to invite all teachers, support staff, administrators and volunteers to a special night at the ballpark from Friday, May 12, through Wednesday, May 17. Discounted tickets are available through the Rockies Teacher Appreciation Homestand webpage. For every ticket purchased through the homestand, $2 will be donated to TEACH Colorado.
Thank a Teacher Social Media Campaign
To help get the word out about Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week, use and customize the resources below. All materials may be tailored to meet your local needs.
#ThankATeacherCO Downloadable Template
Click here to download, customize and print your own #ThankATeacherCO sign (DOC). Take your picture with it and upload it to any social media site using the #ThankATeacherCO in the post!
No printer? No problem! Create your own sign or share a photo or drawing of something a teacher taught you! For example, write out a math equation or pose with your favorite book from a high school English class.
#ThankATeacherCO Social Media Graphics
Download and post these images with the sample social media messaging below. To download, click the link then right click the image and "Save As" to your desktop.
- Teacher Appreciation Week Facebook Cover Photo Graphic - 840 x 312 pixels
- Teacher Appreciation Week Facebook Post Graphic - 1200 x 630 pixels
Sample Social Media Messages
Sample social media posts have been created to help schools, districts, state agencies and companies in Colorado encourage their community members to thank the teachers who have made a difference in their lives. Just copy and paste the text below.
Please note that these are just suggested social media posts to make it easy for you, but you can also modify and/or use additional posts.
Sample messages:
Discounted tickets for the Colorado Rockies Teacher Appreciation homestand:
- Teachers hit home runs in the classroom every day. Join the Colorado @Rockies during their Teacher Appreciation Homestand in May – and $2 from your ticket will be donated to @TEACHColorado!
#ThankATeacherCO Campaign:
- Teachers change lives every day! Share the love with your teachers by participating in #ThankATeacherCO! #edcolo
- Let us all take a moment to send a huge thank you to our teachers for all they do! #ThankATeacherCO #edcolo
- It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Tell us about a teacher who made a difference in your life. Share your message using #ThankATeacherCO and tag a friend to share their message too! #edcolo
- Colorado loves teachers! During Teacher Appreciation Week, tell us how a teacher has inspired you! Use #ThankATeacherCO. Download, customize and print a sign with the help of CDE, or create your own. #edcolo
- Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Don't forget to #ThankATeacherCO by sharing how a teacher has gone above and beyond to change their students' lives! #edcolo
- Thank you, teachers, for inspiring us to achieve our dreams! #ThankATeacherCO #edcolo
Colorado Teacher of the Year nominations:
- Thank an outstanding teacher you know by nominating them to be the next Colorado Teacher of the Year. #edcolo #ThankATeacherCO
- Do you know an inspiring teacher? Nominate them for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award. #edcolo #ThankATeacherCO
- Has a teacher changed your life? Nominate them for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award! #edcolo #ThankATeacherCO
Resources for Schools Districts
Sample message from district leaders to schools on how to engage parents
2023 Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week
Here at [school district name], we are especially grateful to teachers right now for being so adaptable, creative and dedicated to helping students grow. Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, and we want to use this opportunity to thank teachers for inspiring students to chase their dreams every day.
To help schools encourage parents and families to participate, the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has created a #ThankATeacher promotional event toolkit with resources including certificates, flyers, thank you cards and social media graphics.
Invite parents to get involved by:
- Sharing on social media how a teacher has changed their children's lives. Use the hashtag #ThankATeacherCO.
- Encouraging them to nominate a teacher for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award.
- Having their child sign and send thank you cards to their teachers.
- Having your school principal, PTA/PTSA president or student sign and send PTA's ready-made appreciation certificates (PDF) to the teachers in your school.
- Share photos and your activities during the week on social media by using the hashtag #ThankATeacherCO.
- On Thursday, encourage parents to upload a #TBT of them and their favorite teacher using #ThankATeacherCO.
Let's share the love for our teachers!
Resources for Other Stakeholders
The materials below are intended for organizations, state and local agencies and businesses interested in participating in Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week. Use these sample materials to invite your teams to join.
Sample e-newsletter or website content:
2023 Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week
Colorado loves teachers! We cannot begin to thank them enough for changing students lives. During Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12, [Organization's Name] invites everyone to participate and give thanks to Colorado's teachers.
Share a post, image or video on any social media site with a thank you message and the hashtag #ThankATeacherCO. Post about how a teacher has inspired your children or give a shout out to a teacher who has made a difference in your life. Tag a friend and invite them join the #ThankATeacherCO campaign.
Sample internal staff engagement email:
Subject: 2023 Teacher Appreciation Week
Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, and you're invited to participate and give thanks to Colorado's teachers!
During this week, share a post, image or video on any social media site with the hashtag #ThankATeacherCO. Share how teachers have changed yours or your child's life with a social media post. Tag a friend and invite them to join in! Click here to download, customize and print your own #ThankATeacherCO sign (DOC), or create your own using materials at home.
Another great way to thank an outstanding teacher you know is by nominating them for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award! To nominate simply fill out the online form on CDE's Teacher of the Year webpage.
To help you get started, use, modify and fill in the blanks on these sample social media posts:
- We are so grateful for _______ [teacher name] for their inspiring influence. Thank you for the hard work you do!! #ThankATeacherCO
- Thank you _______ [teacher name] for changing my life! #ThankATeacherCO
Tag our [Organization's Name ] Facebook [LINK TO FB PAGE] and Twitter [LINK TO TWITTER PAGE] pages or share and retweet our posts. Let's celebrate Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week!
Colorado Teacher of the Year
Each year, the Colorado Teacher of the Year Program honors an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled K-12 classroom teacher to represent the entire profession in the state. For more information, including past winners, visit the Colorado Teacher of the Year program webpage.
Nominate a Teacher for the 2024 Teacher of the Year Award
Do you know an outstanding teacher? Say 'Thank You' during Colorado Teacher Appreciation Week by nominating them for the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award.
Nominate a teacher
Apply to be the 2024 Colorado Teacher of the Year
Are you the next exceptional educator who will represent the profession in our state? Whether you were nominated or want to throw your own hat in the ring, we encourage those interested to fill out the application by Friday, June 2.
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