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Accessibility Plan Progress Update

Update for September 2024 – January 2025

Published: December 10, 2024

CDE is committed to providing equitable access to all Coloradans. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards the day when all Agency services, programs, and activities are accessible, providing equal access to information and services to all Coloradans. We have a plan to prioritize, evaluate, remediate, and continuously improve every digital touchpoint within our services, programs, and activities. Below, you’ll find just some of the measures that CDE is undertaking.

Accessibility Maturity

The Agency is currently at the following accessibility maturity level: 

Stage Status Accessibility Criteria
Inactive Complete No awareness and recognition of need. At this stage organizations are inventorying their technology, have begun to make investments. 
Launch In Progress Recognized need, organization-wide planning initiated, activities currently being organized.
Integrate In Progress Roadmap including timeline is in place, overall organizational approach defined and well organized.
Optimize Planning Incorporated into the whole organization, consistently evaluated, and actions taken on assessment outcomes.

Organizational Measures

CDE is currently coordinating the following efforts to remove technology accessibility barriers:

Activity Status Target Completion Date
Define an accessibility roadmap including timeline, goals, roles, responsibilities, and policies as needed for our organization.  Ongoing September 2024
Include accessibility in our procurement processes.  Ongoing September 2024
Establish and maintain an inventory of technology and prioritize.   Ongoing September 2024
Validate the inventory through testing and address issues that are found in current technology.  Ongoing June 2025
Create and implement a plan for providing reasonable accommodation and modification until the technology can be made accessible. Ongoing December 2025
Provide contact information and support for receiving accessibility feedback and accommodations requests.  Completed June 2024
Hire people with accessibility skills and train current employees on providing accessible services and technology.  Ongoing December 2024
Incorporate accessibility requirements into our technology development stages including design, development, user experience, and quality assurance.  Ongoing March 2025