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Lesson Order and Timing - Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry
Total Time Needed (125 to 150 minutes)
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Step 1
Get Prepared (5 minutes):
Gather materials, copies, or computers. Review the lesson.
Step 2
Think: Pre-Lesson Knowledge Check! (15 minutes):
The purpose is for students to see the relevance of the various math abilities that will be needed to solve this problem.
Step 3
Model & Think: Math Lesson ( 50 - 70 minutes):
Knowledge Check results together to help learn students' abilities so that you can guide support through the lessons in this section.
Includes Progress Monitoring (10 minutes): Includes Progress Monitoring chart to complete when students are working on the activity.
Step 4
Connect: Closing the Lesson (5 minutes):
Time to celebrate success, review missed skills, and provide enrichment activities through real-world application ideas.
Step 5
Post-Lesson Knowledge Check! (10 - 15 minutes):
Confirm that the student can now demonstrate mastery and application of this skill.
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