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CDE-Verified List of Preschool Providers Eligible to Serve Children with IEPs

CDE maintains a verified list of preschool providers eligible to serve children with IEPs that served preschoolers in state funded preschool prior to the 2023-24 school year. The list includes public preschool programs, including those administered by Head Start, and non-public preschool providers that served preschool children with IEPs placed by the Administrative Unit (AU). Every preschool program (public or non-public) serving preschoolers with IEPs must demonstrate accountability to the AU who has placed students in the program to implement the IEP. Every preschool program must meet the CDE Standards for Placement of Preschoolers with IEPs in Educational Programs, along with any additional AU requirements.

The Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA) states that "Preschool Providers shall complete all special education training and licensing or authorization requirements for early childhood educators established by the Department of Education prior to any placement by the administrative unit of a child with disabilities in its program. Preschool Providers that have provided services to children with disabilities in prior Colorado public preschool programs are exempt from this requirement." (3.02(3)(a)(ii)).

Programs that are not on the CDE-verified list must meet the training and certification requirements outlined in the procedure to be added to the CDE-Verified List.

CDE-Verified List of Preschool Providers Eligible to Serve Children with IEPs (Excel)

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