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Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Services

The federal definition Section 300.34 (c) (7) of the Individuals with Disability Education Act:

(7) Orientation and mobility services—

(i) Means services provided to blind or visually impaired children by qualified personnel to enable those students to attain systematic orientation to and safe movement within their environments in school, home, and community; and

(ii) Includes teaching children the following, as appropriate:

(A) Spatial and environmental concepts and use of information received by the senses (such as sound, temperature and vibrations) to establish, maintain, or regain orientation and line of travel (e.g., using sound at a traffic light to cross the street);

(B) To use the long cane or a service animal to supplement visual travel skills or as a tool for safely negotiating the environment for children with no available travel vision;

(C) To understand and use remaining vision and distance low vision aids; and

(D) Other concepts, techniques, and tools

Professional Development 

2025 CDE Orientation & Mobility Seminar 

Join us for two full days for the 2025 O&M Seminar.  The theme for this year's seminar is tactile graphics, additional disabilities, and dog guides.  

Please note this event is only open to Colorado O&M Specialists.

Dates: April 24-25, 2025     

Time: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on both days

Please check out the O&M Seminar flyer for more information - please reach out if you need an alternative version of the flyer.

Registration will close two (2) weeks ahead of the training, on April 10, 2025, or until capacity is reached.

For more information, please reach out to Tanni Anthony at

Technical Assistance Documents

State and National Information and Resources

Colorado Licensing

National Resources

  •  The Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education (ACVREP) 
    The ACVREP has a certification program for Orientation and Mobility Specialists. This site also has information about professional development opportunities offered for ACVREP clock hours. ACVREP certification is required for Colorado public School O&M Specialists. 

  • Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) Orientation and Mobility Division 9
    The Orientation and Mobility Division (Division 9) of AER promotes professional standards and improvement of O&M evidence-based practices and services. Division 9 offers professional development opportunities, encourages quality university preparation of O&M Specialists, and works to enhance and expand O&M services for individuals with blindness/visual impairment and deaf-blindness.

Web Resources to Lean More about Orientation and Mobility

For more information, please contact:

Tanni Anthony, Ph.D.
State Consultant on Blindness/Low Vision and Deaf-Blindness
Email Tanni Anthony
Phone: (303) 503-4647

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