Most CDE offices will be closed for the holidays beginning Dec. 23. All offices will reopen on Jan. 2, 2025.
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Administrator License Requirements
Whether you are seeking to complete a Colorado administrator program as a special education director or apply for a Colorado administrator license (with any of three endorsements), this page is for you.
Requirements for the each endorsement are listed below; select the credential type for the application checklist and complete details on how to apply. (First-time applicant who completed a program outside Colorado? Go to the Out-of-State webpage.)
Have Completed Administrator Preparation?
Initial Administrator License (3 years)
- For an administrator (K-12) endorsement:
- bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited college/university
- approved program verification form completed by your district-level administrator preparation program
- PRAXIS 6991 (162)
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
- For a gifted education director (ages 4-21) endorsement:
- master's or higher degree in gifted education;
- approved program verification form completed by your gifted education director preparation program;
- two years' experience with gifted students; and
- PRAXIS 6991 (162)
- and PRAXIS 5358 (157) if you do not also hold a Colorado teacher license with a gifted education endorsement
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
- For a special education director (ages 0-21) endorsement:
Option 1
- bachelor's or higher degree in special education, master's degree in speech-language pathology or post-graduate degree in school psychology;
- approved program verification form completed by your SpEd director preparation program;
- two years' experience with students with special needs;
- PRAXIS 6991 (162); and
- and PRAXIS 5355 (145) if you do not also hold a Colorado teacher license with a special education endorsement
- PRAXIS 5354 (151) also accepted thru 08.31.2029
- and PRAXIS 5355 (145) if you do not also hold a Colorado teacher license with a special education endorsement
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
Option 2
- CDE-issued professional special services license with one of the following endorsements: school audiologist, counselor, nurse, occupational therapist, orientation & mobility specialist; physical therapist or social worker;
- five years' full-time experience under the professional special services license;
- three years' full-time experience as a special education coordinator or administrator, which included supervision and evaluation of special education teachers and special service providers;
- verified experience, supervision and execution of responsibilities for special education administration as required by IDEA;
- approved program verification form completed by your SpEd director preparation program;
- PRAXIS 6991 (162); and
- and PRAXIS 5355 (145) if you do not also hold a Colorado teacher license with a special education endorsement
- PRAXIS 5354 (151) also accepted thru 08.31.2029
- and PRAXIS 5355 (145) if you do not also hold a Colorado teacher license with a special education endorsement
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
Initial Administrator License Renewal
- valid license-holders: letter stating why induction program has not yet been completed
- expired license-holders:
- letter stating why induction program has not yet been completed
- may need to meet current exam requirement
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
Advance Initial Administrator License to a Professional License (7 years)
- valid license-holders: a copy of induction certificate
- expired license-holders:
- a copy of induction certificate
- may need to meet current exam requirement
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
Renew a Professional Administrator License
- 90 contact hours (six (6) semester hours) of applicable professional development activities
- valid license-holders: applicable activities must have been completed within the seven years of your active license
- expired license-holders: applicable activities must have been completed within the seven years immediately preceding the submission date of your renewal application
- certificate of completion of ETrain evaluator training
Need to Complete Special Education Director Preparation?
Temporary Educator Eligibility Authorization (1 year)
- district-specific;
- bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited college/university;
- enrolled in and actively participating in a Colorado-approved special education director preparation program;
- employment as a special education director in a Colorado school, district or BOCES
- may be renewed up to twice with documented evidence of progression toward fulfilling licensure requirements
Add a Designation
- fulfill READ Act requirements
- fulfill Educator Effectiveness Evaluator Training (required for all new/renewal applicants)
- fulfill English Learner professional development requirements via an approved program or individualized professional development
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