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Recent Colorado Legislation

2025 Legislative Session

Legislation Signed by the Governor that may impact public libraries.

Disclaimer: This document is a non-comprehensive reference to 2025 Colorado legislation that may impact libraries. This document is not intended as legal advice or guidance.

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The 2025 Legislative Session is underway. Updates to occur shortly.

2024 Legislative Session

Legislation Signed by the Governor that may impact public libraries.

Disclaimer: This document is a non-comprehensive reference to 2024 Colorado legislation that may impact libraries. This document is not intended as legal advice or guidance.


Access & Public Services

HB24-1136 - Healthier Social Media Use by Youth

Concerning measures to encourage healthier social media use by youth, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation

HB24-1280 - Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program

Concerning the creation of a grant program for community-based organizations to provide appropriate services for migrants who are within one year of arrival in the United States.

HB24-1331 - Out-of-School Time Grant Program

Concerning the creation of a grant program for eligible nonprofit organizations to provide out-of-school time programs to students, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1336 - Sunset Broadband Deployment

Concerning the Deployment of Broadband through grants administered by the Colorado Broadband Office and in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation. 

HB24-1407 - Community Food Assistance Provider Grant Program

Concerning the creation of the community food assistance provider grant program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-141 - Out-of-State Telehealth Providers

Concerning out-of-state health-care workers providing health-care services through telehealth to patients located in Colorado.

SB24-084 - Attorney General Duties to Prevent Mis- & Dis-information

Concerning a requirement that the attorney general coordinate with the department of education in an effort to prevent the proliferation of factually inaccurate data by sharing resources to encourage respectful discourse.

SB24-070 - Remote Testing & Online Education Programs

Concerning allowing online education programs to offer remote state assessment testing to students who attend online education programs, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-001 - Continue Youth Mental Health Services Program

Concerning continuation of the youth mental health services program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-041 - Privacy Protections for Children's Online Data

Concerning adding data protections for a minor's online activity.

SB24-131 - Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces

Concerning prohibiting carrying a firearm in sensitive spaces recognized by the United States supreme court as places at which longstanding laws prohibited carrying firearms.


HB24-1124 - Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation

Concerning discrimination in places of public accommodation.

HB24-1135 - Offenses Related to Operating a Vehicle

Concerning offenses related to requirements for operating a vehicle, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1266 - Local Government Utility Relocation in Right-of-Way

Concerning the relocation of utility facilities in a local government right-of-way.

HB24-1454 - Grace Period Noncompliance Digital Accessibility

Concerning a one-year extension of the deadline for public agencies to comply with digital accessibility standards if the public agency demonstrates a good faith effort toward compliance.

HB24-1457 - Asbestos & Lead Paint Abatement Grant Program

Concerning a pilot grant program to award grants to local governments in rural areas to help pay costs associated with the abatement of dangerous materials in certain structures.

SB24-005 - Prohibit Landscaping Practices for Water Conservation

Concerning the conservation of water in the state through the prohibition of certain landscaping practices.

SB24-212 - Local Govs Renewable Energy Projects

Concerning measures to facilitate the construction of renewable energy projects, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-009 - Local Government Disaster-Related Programs

Concerning assisting local governments in disaster-related programs, and, in connection therewith, establishing the slash removal pilot program and making an appropriation.

Finance & Funding

HB24-1036 - Adjusting Certain Tax Expenditures

Concerning the adjustment of certain tax expenditures.

HB24-1287 - Access to State Grant Opportunities

Concerning access to state grant opportunities.

SB24-002 - Local Government Property Tax Credits Rebates

Concerning the authority of a local government to establish a property tax incentive program to address an area of specific local concern related to the use of real property in the government's jurisdiction, …

SB24-016 - Tax Credits for Contributions via Intermediaries 

Concerning qualification for state income tax credits for charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations, and, in connection therewith, authorizing a taxpayer to make a charitable contribution for which the taxpayer may claim a state income tax credit to a charitable recipient organization through a qualified intermediary that forwards the contribution to the charitable recipient organization, allowing a tax credit certificate for the Colorado homeless contribution tax credit to include only the last four digits, rather than all digits, of a taxpayer's social security number, and making an appropriation.

SB24-023 - Hold Harmless for Error in GIS Database Data

Concerning the requirement that local taxing jurisdictions hold harmless vendors that rely on erroneous data in certain electronic systems related to sales and use tax that are managed by the department of revenue.

SB24-025 - Update Local Government Sales & Use Tax Collection

Concerning local government sales and use taxes administered by the department of revenue, and, in connection therewith, revising, modernizing, and harmonizing various state statutes relating to the state-administration of local sales and use tax into one uniform statute.

SB24-091 - Rights-of-Way Permits for Broadband Deployment

Concerning the creation of an additional process by which entities may gain access to public rights-of-way for the deployment of broadband.

SB24-204 - Technical Revisions to Procurement Code

Concerning technical revisions to the procurement code.

SB24-228 - TABOR Refund Mechanisms

Concerning mechanisms to refund excess state revenues, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation. 

SB24-233 - Property Tax

Concerning property tax, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

Human Resources

HB24-1095 - Increasing Protections for Minor Workers

Concerning protection for minor workers in the "Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act of 1971", and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1220 - Workers ‘Compensation Disability Benefits

Concerning disability benefits for workers' compensation injuries, and, in connection therewith, allowing a claimant to refuse an offer of modified employment under certain circumstances,…

SB24-232 - Public Employees' Workplace Protections

Concerning modifications to the protections for public workers, and, in connection therewith, clarifying certain definitions and standards related to public employee rights and the authority of a public employer to limit such rights consistent with the "Protections for Public Workers Act".

SB24-160 - Records of Workplace Discrimination Complaints

Concerning records related to complaints of discriminatory workplace practices.

SB24-073 - Maximum Number of Employees to Qualify as Small Employer

Concerning a change to the maximum number of employees that an employer may employ to qualify as a small employer for health-care insurance coverage.

Library Law Changes

HB24-1205 - Colorado Imagination Library Program

Concerning modifications to the Colorado imagination library program to enhance early childhood literacy.

SB24-153 - News Access for Consumers Who Are Print-Disabled

Concerning free audio news services for persons who are print-disabled, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-216 - Standards for Decisions Regarding Library Resources

Concerning standards that public libraries are required to include in policies regarding library resources.


HB24-1175 - Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing

Concerning a local government right of first refusal or offer to purchase qualifying multifamily property for the purpose of providing long-term affordable housing or mixed-income development.

HB24-1468 - Artificial Intelligence & Biometric Technologies

Concerning the creation of the artificial intelligence impact task force.

SB24-182 - Immigrant Identification Document Issuance

Concerning the requirements to issue an identification document under the "Colorado Road and Community Safety Act" to an individual who is not lawfully present in the United States, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-065 - Mobile Electronic Devices & Motor Vehicle Driving

Concerning the use of mobile electronic devices when driving a motor vehicle, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-129 - Nonprofit Member Data Privacy & Public Agencies

Concerning protecting the privacy of persons associated with nonprofit entities, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting public agencies from taking certain actions relating to the collection and disclosure of data that may identify such persons.

Higher ED

HB24-1082 - First-Generation-Serving Higher Education Institutions

Concerning the designation of state institutions of higher education as first-generation-serving institutions.

HB24-1231 - State Funding for Higher Education Projects

HB24-1340 - Incentives for Post-Secondary Education

Concerning the creation of incentives against the state income tax for students pursuing post-secondary credentials, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1402 - Evaluation of Colorado Department of Higher Education Information Technology

Concerning an evaluation of the department of higher education's information technology functions and services by the office of information technology, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1403 - Higher Education Support Homeless Youth

Concerning postsecondary education support for students experiencing housing disruptions in high school, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-164 - Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements

Concerning transparency requirements for institutions of higher education.


HB24-1001 - Reauthorization of Rural Jump-Start Program

Concerning reauthorization of the rural jump-start zone program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-055 - Agricultural & Rural Behavioral Health Care

Concerning supporting the behavioral health care of individuals involved in agriculture, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-221 - Funding for Rural Health Care

Concerning funding for rural health care, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.


HB24-1003 - Opiate Antagonists and Detection Products in Schools

Concerning measures related to harm reduction for students.

HB24-1039 - Non-Legal Name Changes

Concerning non-legal name changes for students in schools.

HB24-1076 - Purple Star School Program

Concerning creating a program to recognize public schools that provide certain services to military-connected families, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1087 - Professional Endorsement Special Education Teaching

Concerning the creation of an additional pathway for educators to gain an endorsement for special education instruction.

HB24-1164 - Free Menstrual Products to Students

Concerning measures to provide menstrual products at no expense to students, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1170 - Rights for Youth Division of Youth Services Facilities

Concerning the establishment of a bill of rights for youth in facilities operated by the division of youth services.

HB24-1216 - Supports for Youth in Juvenile Justice System

Concerning multi-level supports for youth in varying stages of the juvenile justice system, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1282 - Ninth-Grade Success Grant & Performance Reporting

Concerning measures to increase the success rates of ninth-grade students in public high schools in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1285 - Student Weight-Based Bullying Prevention

Concerning preventing bullying in public schools based on student physical appearance.

HB24-1290 - Student Educator Stipend Program

Concerning an appropriation to reduce financial barriers for students entering the educator workforce through the student educator stipend program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1305 - Changes for Concurrent Enrollment Students

Concerning changes to programs to benefit students who earn postsecondary course credit while enrolled in high school.

HB24-1307 - HVAC Improvements for Public Schools

Concerning HVAC infrastructure improvement projects in schools.

HB24-1320 - Educator Safety Task Force

Concerning creating a task force to study school staff safety issues, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1323 - School Graduation Attire

Concerning the manner of dress during school graduation ceremonies.

HB24-1376 - Expand Teacher Mentorships

Concerning measures to increase teacher mentorships in public schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1389 - School Funding 2023-24 for New Arrival Students

Concerning providing funding to schools in the 2023-24 budget year for increases in pupil enrollment after the 2023-24 budget year pupil enrollment count day, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1390 - School Food Programs

Concerning measures to support certain school food programs in the department of education, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.

HB24-1406 - School-Based Mental Health Support Program

Concerning the creation of the school-based mental health support program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1446 - Professional Development for Science Teachers

Concerning improving resources for science educators, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

HB24-1448 - New Public School Finance Formula

Concerning the creation of a modernized approach to funding public education, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.

SB24-162 - Best Practices to Prevent Discrimination in Schools

Concerning best practices for responding to discriminatory conduct in schools, and, in connection therewith, developing training consistent with the best practices and making an appropriation.

SB24-069 - Clarify Individualized Education Program Information

Concerning measures to clarify individualized education program information through a publicly available training program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-188 - Public School Finance

Concerning the financing of public schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-014 - Seal of Climate Literacy Diploma Endorsement

Concerning authorization for granting a high school diploma endorsement related to climate literacy, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB24-132 - Evaluation Protections & Educators

Concerning extending evaluation protections to all educators.

Disclaimer: This document is a non-comprehensive reference to 2024 Colorado legislation that may impact libraries. This document is not intended as legal advice or guidance.