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Colorado Library Law
The Colorado Library Law provides a legal framework for library operations and responsibilities. Staff, governing boards, and agency attorneys who work with libraries should be familiar with the information contained on these pages. View the full Colorado Revised Statutes.
Library Law Table of Contents
Part 1 - Library Law
- 24-90-101 - Short title
- 24-90-102 - Legislative declaration
- 24-90-103 - Definitions
- 24-90-103.5 - Acts of elections conducted pursuant to provisions which refer to qualified electors.
- 24-90-104 - State Library Created - administration
- 24-90-105 - Powers and duties of state librarian
- 24-90-105.5 - Radio reading services
- 24-90-106 - Establishment of public libraries - contract to receive library service
- 24-90-106.3. Inclusion of a governmental unit into an existing library district - procedure
- 24-90-106.5. [Formerly 24-90-106 (2)] Establishment or removal of a municipal library in an existing county library or library district.
- 24-90-107 - Method of establishment
- 24-90-108 - Board of trustees
- 24-90-109 - Powers and duties of board of trustees
- 24-90-110 - Establishment of public library districts - merger of public library - board of trustees (Repealed)
- 24-90-110.5 - Metropolitan library districts - formation
- 24-90-110.7. Regional library authorities
- 24-90-111 - Participation by established library
- 24-90-112 - Tax support - elections
- 24-90-112.5 - Issuance of bonds
- 24-90-113 - Contract to receive library service. (Repealed)
- 24-90-113.3. [Formerly 24-90-106 (3)] Contract to receive library service.
- 24-90-114 - Abolishment of libraries
- 24-90-115 - Regional library service system - governing board
- 24-90-116 - Existing libraries to comply
- 24-90-117 - Theft or mutilation of library property
- 24-90-118 - Colorado libraries automated catalog project
- 24-90-119 - Privacy of user records
- 24-90-120. Colorado imagination library program - creation - request for proposal - state librarian duties - report - legislative declaration - definitions.
- 24-90-121. Public libraries - science of reading - training - report - definitions.
- 24-90-122. Public libraries - standards for acquisition retention - display - utilization - reconsideration of library resources- use of library facilities - employee protections - definition
Part 2 - State Publications Depository And Distribution Center
Part 3 - Colorado Computer Information Network
- 24-90-301 - Legislative declaration
- 24-90-302 - Colorado computer information network - creation
- 24-90-303 - Computer information network fund - creation. (Repealed)
Part 4 - Library Grants
Part 5 - Library Capital Facilities Districts
- 24-90-501 - Short title
- 24-90-502 - Legislative declaration
- 24-90-503 - Definitions
- 24-90-504 - Authority of governing body
- 24-90-505 - Organization - preliminary resolution.
- 24-90-506 - Notice of hearing disqualification of member of governing body.
- 24-90-507 - Hearing - resolution - when action barred.
- 24-90-508 - Recording of resolution establishing area.
- 24-90-509 - Governing body - meetings.
- 24-90-510 - General powers of facilities district.
- 24-90-511 - Power to levy taxes.
- 24-90-512 - Determining and fixing rate of levy.
- 24-90-513 - Levies to cover deficiencies.
- 24-90-514 - County officers to levy and collect taxes - lien.
- 24-90-515 - Property sold for taxes.
- 24-90-516 - Governing body can issue bonds - form.
- 24-90-517 - Dissolution procedures.
- 24-90-518 - Exemption from taxation - securities laws.
- 24-90-519 - Limitation of actions
Part 6 - Library Filtering
Go to: Public Library Information Page
For additional information contact the Colorado State Library, 303-866-6900.
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