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A. Authorization Requirements
The requirements for issuing the ABEA are set out in CCR 301-37-4.16 as follows:
“4.16(2) This authorization may be issued to an applicant who has an associate’s or higher degree and who provides documented evidence of adult basic education instruction training and experience, based upon successful completion of adult basic education authorization requirements.”
At this time, documented evidence of adult basic education instruction training and experience must take the form of one of the following:
- Transcripts showing that the applicant has taken and passed the four college-level courses tied to the ABEA.
- The four courses, which are provided by a variety of post-secondary institutions in Colorado, are:
- EDU-131 (or EDAE-520) - Introduction to Adult Education,
- EDU-132 (or EDAE 620) - Planning and Delivering Instruction to Adult Learners,
- EDU-133 (or EDAE 590) - Teaching Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Adult Secondary Education (ASE), and
- EDU-134 (or EDAE 590) - Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to Adults.
- The four courses, which are provided by a variety of post-secondary institutions in Colorado, are:
- Certificates of equivalency from the Colorado Community College System, or Adult Education Initiatives, showing that the applicant has demonstrated the competencies associated with the four required college-level courses tied to the ABEA.
- Certificates of equivalency for the courses are available through AEI’s ABEA Portfolio Process as outlined in section III. Portfolio Process.
- A combination of transcripts and certificates of equivalency showing that the applicant has either taken and passed the four required college-level courses tied to the ABEA, or that they have met the competencies associated with the courses.
In addition, ABEA applicants must submit documentation showing that they are legal residents of the U.S., and that they hold an associate’s degree or higher. Applicants must also have a recent background check on file with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation that meets CDE requirements and the ability to pay the $90 application fee. The ABEA is valid for five years.
Applying For and Renewing the ABEA
Additional details about applying for the authorization and renewing the authorization are available on the Educator Talent Licensing Office’s page.
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